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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
Teach Your Kids to Bond With Cats for the Best of Both Worlds
Adapt and adopt these tips for teaching pet responsibility to kids. The future of our planet and the creatures we share it with depends on them.
How to Clear Up Cat Odors
Walking into a home that smells like cat odors is far from welcoming, especially when the smell is caused by cat urine. Using household products from the kitchen cabinets, such as baking soda and herbs, can help reduce cat odors throughout the home, from the carpets to the litter boxes.
Cat Food Ingredients - Know What You Buy
Few people really know what the common cat food ingredients are, in the majority of commercial cat food. Most people are comforted by the pretty pictures on the packet or can, and believe or assume that the manufacturer have the health of their furry friend at heart. After all, there are plenty of v
Natural Wormer Cats Advice
Roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms are all parasites that can infest your cat's intestinal tract. According to an article published by, some types of worms, such as the tapeworm, can cause extreme debilitation in cats if left untreated. Natural wormers, which contain al
Maine Coon Cats Picture Gallery: Buddy
Equally at home with children, dogs, or older persons, the Maine Coon is an ideal pet, handily earning its status as the second most popular breed in America, as well as it's fond nickname, "The Gentle Giant." Who can resist? Once you've cast your eyes on the beauty of a Maine Co
Cat Bladder Infection - How to Recognize Cat Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms
Unfortunately, many cat owners overlook cat urinary tract infection symptoms, assuming that their cat has behavioral issues.This may cause a cat to endure needless suffering, and in some cases even death.Take a few minutes to educate yourself about cat urinary symptoms to prevent UTI pain, and even
Healthy Cat Food Can Work Magic at Totally Resolving Every Single Illness
You need to be aware of what is available so you know what healthy cat food really is. Hiding your head in the sand will not do your cat's health any good, or your wallet, in the long run. Unhealthy cats cost more in health care.
Ammonia Smelling Odors From the Ducts and Vents
Ammonia is a colorless, strong-smelling gas that occurs naturally. Ammonia in high enough concentrations can cause potentially serious health problems for your family and pets; so if you notice an ammonia smell outside your home, it is important to identify its source and address the problem without
Prednisone Dosages for Cats
Prednisone is a corticosteroid that is given to cats for a wide variety of reasons. The dosage depends upon the weight of the cat and the condition it is trying to cure. Prednisone can be found in several name-brand veterinary medicines such as Delta-Corftef, Prednis-Tab, Meticorten, Sterisol and Co
Keeping Indoor Cats Happy
Learn top tips from an indoor cat owner to help keep your indoor cat happy. 30 minutes of play could keep your cat happy all day!
Container Cats Picture Gallery: Sophie Lampshaded
Cats are noted for their propensity of seeking out places to hide - places not originally intended for cats, such as kitchen sinks, boxes, baskets, slippers, and such. We've put together a photo gallery of container cats - pictures guaranteed to bring a smile.
Choosing to Get Your First Cat - Cat or Kitten
Congratulations on making the decision to get your first cat.Now the next decision is if you want an adult cat or kitten. As a new potential cat owner it is sometimes hard to decide not knowing what each cat or kitten will be like.I will say this that watching your cat's new experiences is a to
Natural Flea Control For Your Pet - No Need to Expose Yourself Or Your Pet to Harmful Chemicals!
There are basically three things you are going to need to do to keep your feline and your home flea-free during those hot summer months when flea infestation is most likely to occur. First you have to be sure there are absolutely no fleas on your cat.
2009 Valentine Cats Picture Gallery: Princess Chloe
Although our bond with our cats goes on beyond life itself, on Valentine Day, we celebrate our love for them, theirs for us, and for other cats they bond with. These cat-enhanced Valentine cards were sent by our community of readers of the Cats site, and I invite you to enjoy them as I do.
Some Of The Top Benefits Of Buying Cat Supplies Online
As a pet owner, you only want the best products for your furry friend. There may be times you had to look for the right medication or pet food that's not just good for your pet's tummy, but also for its well-being. Offline pet stores are often limited to what they can afford and find local
2010 Adopted Shelter Cats Picture Gallery: Mr. Noodles
April is a time of renewal, in both the environmental and spiritual meaning. As such, it's a wonderful time to celebrate shelter cat adoption. There is nothing more rewarding that the knowledge that you have made a difference to another being. Adopting a shelter cat or rescuing a cat makes a bi
Choosing the Right Breed of Cat
Choosing a suitable breed of cat as a pet can be quite a dilemma to many people. There are many breed to choose from and all of them look so cute and adorable when they are still at the kitten age. In order to have a harmonious relationship with your cat from the onset, it's important to take n
Top 5 Reasons to Buy Cat Towers for Your Pet
With all the choices you have to keep you cat healthy and happy, many cat towers are purchased for the top 5 reasons listed here. Find out how you can keep your cat healthy. Discover ways to turn you home into a haven that you and your pet share.
2010 Tuxedo Cats Picture Gallery: Mamacita
Tuxedo Cats were originally chosen to honor in the May cats photo calendar because they reminded me of the elegant attire worn to spring proms. Of course, females may also wear tuxedos. Ehjoy these photos of handsome tuxedo cats, then submit your own cat pictures.
Natural Remedy for Cat Ear Mites
Ear mites are small spider-like creatures that live in the ears of cats. They are a common cause of feline ear infection. Mites live for approximately two months either on, or just beneath, the skin's surface. They feed on the debris and tissue found inside a cat's ears and on his body. There are n