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Reading & Book Reviews : Society & Culture & Entertainment
How Did That Happen by Roger Connors and Tom Smith
The subtitle of this book, Holding People Accountable for Results the Positive, Principled Way, is a good description of the book's purpose. The book starts with questions about How Did That Happen - first focusing on the financial crisis which began in 2007. Financial markets melted down, bill
Three Poems From Cajamarca, Peru (And Cows That Come By The Call Of Their Names)
Note:At Collpa Farm, in the Cajamarca, Valley of Peru, in Northern Peru that is, they have this farm where they have names, the cows have names, like Catalonia, etc., and when the farmer calls them, they come, and the poem tells the rest of the story. My wife I think liked this part of our trip the
Book Summary - The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - Written by John C Maxwell
The study of leadership is a lifelong pursuit. It is not a destination but a journey. The results can be staggering for organizations with strong leadership. Jim Collins in Good to Great profiled highly successful companies and one of the key elements is what he coined the Level 5 leader. These peop
How Can Your Children Learn About Tractors and Machinery?
As our world gets more and more sophisticated and complex, our children must learn more and more about our mechanized and computerized world. In the future they must learn about Artificial Intelligence, BioTech, Robotics and Virtual Reality, of course, this does not let them off the hook for needing
Some Young Poets Are Amongst the Finest in the World
It is truly amazing when you read the top poems and contest winners from Junior High and High School, their ability to draw upon their creative genius takes your breath away. Many psychologists have theories as to why this is and since it is more common than we would expect it is worthy of study and
The Jerusalem Inception, By Avraham Azrieli - Book Review
"Gerster, Jerusalem Gerster" doesn't have quite the ring as, "Bond, James Bond" however as a character in author Avraham Azrieli's book titled The Jerusalem Inception, James has nothing over Jerusalem with respect to international espionage, romantic exploits and nation
God Take PTSD Pleasure Away From the Devil Today
It started this morning with conversation. What came about was the subject of attraction through contemplation. God let me touch 3 souls since yesterday. I was able to teach them how to pray.
Did Neil Strauss, Author of the Game, Single Handily Destroy the PUA Community?
Last year Neil Strauss published his best selling book, The Game-Penetrating the Secret Society of the Pick Up Artist.In this book he exposed an underground community of men studying, practicing, and perfecting the art of seducing women.By bringing the community into the public eye has he single han
The Essential Advantages of GATE Exam
The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all India examination, jointly conducted by the seven IITs and Indian Institute of Science on behalf of the National Coordination Board GATE, Department of Higher Education. ...
The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey: A Review
The Snow Child, debut novel by Eowyn Ivey, transports us to 1920s Alaska. An older couple seeks a new life homesteading in the wilderness. When a magical child appears, their lives are transformed.
Will I See My Dog in Heaven?
Father Wintz, a Franciscan friar, explores a question he has pondered for years. His thoughts first appeared in article form in St. Anthony Messenger magazine. Motivated by a large reader response and devotional study of St. Francis, he expanded the original material into book length.
Why Do You Need SEO for Your Website?
Why You Should SEO Your Site? Search engine optimization is often explained in complex terminology when it is simply a way of increasing your website's chances of ranking highly by manipulating your web content to include the words that your target audience might use to find your website as wel
Sea of Hope by Penelope Marzec; Book Review
To say Doria Hanrahan is experiencing loss is putting things rather mildly. A recent mugging which left bruises on her body and memory compels Doria to leave her tony New York City apartment and job for the security of a sleepy harbor town she once despised. She suffers the loss of her sense of secu
Susie Isaacs', White Knight, Black Nights
In her novel, White Knight, Black Nights, author and World Series of Poker Ladies Champion, Susie Isaacs, tells the story of one woman's journey of survival and self discovery. In White Knight, Black Nights, Isaacs ...
Slipping to the Bottom of the Sea
Jumping from the decrepit wooden clapboards of an old rickety wharf may not be the way most people would choose to dive. But here I am with my toes extending forward, with my weight leaning backward, and the gravity of my tall black measurement evenly distributed upon the balls of my own two feet. B
Military History Books to Invest In
What history books should you invest in? This article says you should, says what books to buy, and says why buy.
Wherever You Go There You Are - A Review of Jon Kabat-Zinns's Book
Have you heard the one about the Zen Master who gets thrown off a cliff? On the way down, he notices some strawberries growing in a tiny little crag. He calmly picks one and eats it during the rest of his decent.
We Are What We Read?
What is your favorite book?What are you reading right now?Do your answers to those questions tell us anything meaningful about who you are as a person?Or is the book in your hand just something to pass the time, signifying nothing?
Prayers For Peace
This is an expression of hope in the midst of a history that needs to be rewritten, retold, reviewed with more peaceful lenses.This is about externalizing what is going on inside our minds. This is about telling what is bothering millions of us.