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Holidays & party : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Use Eco-friendly Products And Go Green
If you want to live a happy, comfortable and healthy life, then you should understand the term of going green in your daily routine life. This term actually means that you have started to use Eco-friendly products, which are manufactured with bamboo fabric.
All About Christmas Carols
Christmas and carols are so inseparable that it is impossible to prise them apart. When and how did they come into existence? Which were the earliest carols? Which is the best loved carol of all time? Learn about them and more about Christmas carols here.
Homemade Military Halloween Costumes
Of course you can buy a costume for Halloween, but a homemade costume is rewarding to make. One homemade costume to consider is one that will honor the country's brave military personnel. Create military costumes for both adults and children out of items already in your closet, like camouflage cloth
Christmas Sayings For Cards, Gifts and Crafts
Use these short Christmas sayings on your stockings, cards and other crafts. These are all short enough to embroider quickly on felt ornaments, felt gift tags, or across the body of a fabric snowman.
Online Christmas Store - The Easy Way to Shop for Your Christmas Gifts
You absolutely love everything about the Christmas season. Baking Christmas goodies is one of your favorite things to do. You love to decorate your home with boughs of holly and you take great pleasure in making your gift wrapping look beautiful and festive. The only thing you do not like about the
Halloween Lawn Decoration Crafts
Before you head to the store to stock up on manufactured Halloween decorations, look around your home for items that you can transform into spooky, Halloween-themed lawn crafts. Whether your preference is to scare trick-or-treaters or delight younger children with playful decor, a range of Halloween
Easy-to-Make Thanksgiving Table Decorations
Thanksgiving table decorations do not need to be complicated or elaborate to make a table that features fall colors and accentuates the simplicity of the holiday. Work within a color scheme of fall leaves, with deep reds, oranges, yellows and golds. Choose a few table decorations that fit with your
How to Create a G.I. Joe Costume
For a quick and easy costume, G.I. Joe is an old favorite that always works well. Not only are costume materials inexpensive and easy to find, you will be well-dressed for any covert operations that your Halloween festivities may inspire.
How to Make a Lollipop Tree
How to Make a Lollipop Tree. If you are looking for a unique centerpiece for a party or something different for a table in your home, try Lollipop trees. Lollipop trees are sure to be a fan favorite of all your guests. They are an easy, colorful and thrilling craft for children.
4th of July, The Independence Day of America
The great Virginian leader, Richard Henry Lee had proposed American independence resolution in British Assembly during the American Revolution. The congress voted in the favor of the resolution and on July, 2 1776, British colonies have been separated legally from American colonies.
Fun Birthday Outing Ideas
Get creative when planning a fun birthday outing.happy birthday image by Ewe Degiampietro from Fotolia.comA birthday celebration doesn't have to mean a party. You can plan a tailor made outing for just you and the person celebrating a birthday, or you can include a group of friends. Think...
Celebrating Easter Day 2010
Easter Day is one of the important official annual festivals in western country, which is the first Sunday after the full moon following the spring equinox. It is a religious holiday of Christian.
Halloween Costumes 2009: Options In The Scary, Whimsical And Fun
Halloween costumes for 2009 fall in line with the common trends that occur every Halloween.If you want to find the perfect costume for 2009 then all you need to do is take a look at the common categories for Halloween costumes.
The holidays in India are like respiratory obstructions, which are further complicated by natural calamities, accidents, strikes, demonstrations, riots and unaccountability in the elected bodies and the bureaucracy.
Top Online Halloween Games
Halloween Pumpkinhalloween image by St??phane Magnin from Fotolia.comHoliday-themed online games are always popular, and Halloween seems to spark more of a gaming frenzy than most other festive events. Dozens (if not hundreds) of games featuring ghosts, ghouls, mummies and bats, some of...
Gifts for Housekeepers
Homeowners can tell you how challenging it is to keep a home clean and free of clutter. Luckily, there are services available to clean your home for you. If you have a housekeeper that cleans your home on a regular basis, thank her for her help with a special gift around special occasions such as ho
How to Make a Sock Monkey Costume
Many have fond memories of a soft cuddly sock monkey lovingly stitched together by Mom or Grandma. This simple toy has been a favorite of children for generations, so you'd think that a toy this easy to make would be easy to turn into a costume. Good news, it is. With what you can dig out of your ow
How To Recycle Christmas Wreaths After The Yuletide Season?
One of the questions we have in mind when decorating our home for Christmas is the aftermath of the season. How will you be able to use the Christmas decorations after the holidays? For sure you can keep some and use them next year. But how Can you store them properly so that they still look good wh
Engagement Gift Ideas for Couples
An engagement is a very exciting time in a couple's life---the beginning of a commitment to each other. Supporting and celebrating that commitment is a wonderful thing and a great way to help build community around the couple. But what does one get when there's no registry yet? Let's look at some fu
How to Plan the Perfect Party Food
From decorations to music, there are many considerations that go into planning the perfect party. One vital element to party success is food. If your guests' stomachs start growling, they will clear out quickly. To ensure that your party doesn't come to an early close due to hunger, plan some tasty