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Holidays & party : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Egyptian Theme Ideas

Egypt is the most populous Arab country with a population of around 80 million, as of 2011. During the days of Gamal abd-al Nasser, between 1952 and 1970, Egypt was the political, artistic and literary center of the Arab world. It was also the home of one of the greatest ancient civilizations and th

How to Flash LED Christmas Lights

Lights are one of the first things that come to mind at them mention of Christmas decorations. Numerous types of LED Christmas lights exist, but one of the most popular kinds is flashing ones. Some flashing LED Christmas lights offer numerous light patterns and come with controllers hooked to them s

Kid's Birthday Party Etiquette

When planning a birthday party for your child, you can better ensure that those attending have a good time, and behave properly. Good etiquette for children at a birthday party makes for a fun time for everyone involved and encourages kids to continue displaying positive behaviors. Take the time to

Tennis Novelty Gifts

Buy a tennis player a novelty T-shirt.Tennis ball and the shadow of tennis net image by Elzbieta Sekowska from Fotolia.comIf you have a friend who loves to hit the courts to play tennis, give him a tennis-related gift for his next birthday, big holiday or special event that he celebrates....

Birthday Party Ice Cream Theme Ideas

Kids love ice cream, making it the perfect theme for a birthday party.Jon Edwards/Polka Dot/Getty ImagesAlthough ice cream may seem like more of a party food than a party theme, hosting an ice cream-themed party just requires a little creativity. Creating items that look like ice cream is...

Handmade Halloween Costume Ideas

These costumes may not be scary, but they're impressive nevertheless.halloween image by PETER LAKOMY from Fotolia.comMaking or purchasing a Halloween costume doesn't necessarily have to be an expensive endeavor. Many of the most attention-grabbing costumes can be made at little to no cost...

How to Dress Up Pumpkins

Pumpkins are the quintessential Halloween decoration, yet they can also be used as a decoration any time of the year. Pumpkins adorn stoops, front porches, and walkways, and they are used as table centerpieces. While carving is the traditional way to dress up pumpkins, the approach is messy and the

Vietnam Veteran Gifts

Like all Americans who served in the Armed Services during wartime, Vietnam veterans and their families made considerable sacrifices to serve their country. The political controversy that surrounded the war made their task even more difficult.Honoring Vietnam veterans with gifts that...

How to Tie a Hobo Stick

Make a hobo stick, also known as a "bindle stick" or a "wandering stick" for a prop for a hobo costume. Hobos in the old days needed something to carry their moonshine, harmonica and other essential belongings in, and back then they didn't have plastic bags. This prop is inexpensive to make and the

Show Creativity in Your Animated Christmas Cards

Online greetings have changes the life of many who are in a hurry and have very little time to speak. After a long hurried life with missed wishes, lost birthdays, and of course missed anniversaries, here comes a solution to cover up all your beloved's anger on you. The only solution is the onl

Help Your Child Help Others At Christmas

Young children naturally love to help others.The holiday season is a terrific time to encourage that behavior.Learn ways that your family can help others that will benefit your youngster far beyond childhood.

Professional Thank You Gifts

Send a gift to thank a professional worker for his help.Maria Toutoudaki/Photodisc/Getty ImagesGiving a thank you gift to a colleague, boss or professional person in another organization is a thoughtful gesture that makes the recipient feel special. However, respect the rules of etiquette...

Decoration Ideas for a Tricycle Rodeo

Rodeos are an integral part of American culture and one that is represented vividly by a variety of details. To transform a trike for a tricycle rodeo, incorporate key elements that are widely recognized as being associated with the rodeo, such as a bull and a rider.

Company Gifts, Some Ideas For This Holiday

It's true, it's a period of crisis not just in our country, but in the whole world. But there are anyhow a lot of enterprises enjoying good health and that during holiday season still make gifts to employees and/or customers, as some kind of gadgets or even real company gifts.

Funny 70th Birthday Ideas

Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty ImagesWhen planning a 70th birthday celebration for a loved one with a sense of humor, be sure to use funny party ideas to make the party a big hit. Funny decorations, games and food will have your guests talking about the party for years to come. Make...

How to Make a Tie for Toddlers

Stylish and classy, neckties add charm and sophistication to a child’s wardrobe, especially for an important function such as a wedding or funeral. Cut down from an old adult tie, these simple accessories are fitted with buttonhole elastic so they can be adjusted to fit the collar as the child

How Should I Decorate My Dark Paneled Den?

Dark paneled dens can create the perfect atmosphere for traditional libraries, masculine man-caves or a modern room with a twist. Decorate the den around the dark panel walls to create a space that’s rich and warm, with strong, masculine colors if the den will serve as a man’s study, TV

New Year's Bulletin Board Ideas for Church

Some church members might resolve to eat healthier in the new year.fruits closeup 2 image by .shock from Fotolia.comChurch bulletin boards in high-traffic areas like the vestibule can inform members of upcoming events and opportunities and bring church members together. In the New Year,...

How to Make Boutonnieres With Tiny Pine Cones

Make a fall-themed boutonniere to wear to an autumn wedding or school dance, and use the appropriate materials such as small pine cones. Pine cones between the measurements of 1/2-inch to 1 3/4-inches long and up to 1 1/2 inches wide are ideal to use in a boutonniere because they won't weigh it down

Last Minute Homemade Costume Ideas

Halloween presents an opportunity for adults and children alike to enjoy the childhood game of make believe, if only for one night. Costumes line the racks and shelves of Halloween and costume stores. In the fall even supermarkets and drug stores carry Halloween costumes. Constructing your own costu