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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Myth: Atheism is a Cause, Therefore Atheism is not Mere Disbelief in Gods
People see atheists involved in various forms of political or social activism and conclude that atheism itself must be some sort of belief system and cause. This myth bizarrely confuses atheism with the causes, interests, and goals of people who happen to be atheists. If an atheist promotes church/s
The Bigger Picture of Creation
Christ's redemptive work brings harmony to his father's creation. The Jew and gentile are made one in Christ through his blood, the dividing wall has been broken down so that we become one new man. However this speaks of something even greater than Jew / gentile relations. It speaks of har
Should the Established Church Fear Christian Anarchists?
The concept of Christian Anarchy is based on an individualist reading of the scriptures as opposed to ordinary Christianity which has for centuries received its moral and religious direction through an organised church. There have been Christian anarchists for as long as there has been organised rel
What God Is Not!
God is not perfect and imperfect at the same time. God is not a convolution of erratic emotions, thrilled when someone does something good and saddened otherwise. God is not a separate being who is mostly happy but is known to have spells of jealousy and anger.
Jay Leno Unleashes Psychic Expert on The Tonight Show
Visualization does work. With the success and popularity of 'The Secret' there has been a backlash that it is all hype and the principles do not work. I strongly disagree. I believe the Law of Attract
What is Stregheria?
What do people mean when they talk about the Stregheria tradition of modern witchcraft?
Famous Miracle Dolphins in History
These famous dolphins have such inspirational stories that some people say God has performed miracles through them. Here are are some of the most famous miracle dolphins in history...
A Prayer For Fathers
Being a father, a husband, and a leader in a family is not an easy task. Just knowing that prayer has a calming effect, and that we are not alone in the tasks at hand, can be helpful in fulfilling our destiny in becoming a good person. I am a Christian man who wrote this Christian prayer for Christi
Gag on a Gnat, Swallow a Camel: Facing the Inherent Truth in Lies
We conduct our lives in such a pristine manner, trying to do things right, as close to perfect as is feasibly possible and last but not least, in synchronized order. Blah. Blah. Blah. We act as if we
Military & Political Outcome of the Crusades
The first and perhaps most important thing we should bear in mind is that when all is said and done, from a political and military perspective the Crusades were a massive failure. The First Crusade was successful enough that European leaders were able to scratch out kingdoms which included such citi
Do You Tell Religious In-Laws You're An Atheist?
So, you've decided that you cannot rationally or reasonably continue with the religion which you used to follow and to which your spouse's family continues to belong. Indeed, you can't even continue to call yourself a theist anymore - you find belief in the existence of God to be unre
38th Annual GMA Awards Nominations & Winners
The nominees for the 2007 GMA Awards have been announced. The winners were announced live on April 25, 2007.
David and Goliath: The Invisible Battle Within
Just about everyone knows the story of David and Goliath. I will never forget the first time I heard it. I was probably eight or nine years old. Afterwards, I peered up at the ceiling at the bottom of
Life on Mars About to Be Confirmed by Phoenix Lander
Religious fanatics have proclaimed mankind as the absolute and ultimate creation of god in their various religions, even created it god's own image. Yes, convenient indeed, declare yourself over and above all other life forms and sit back and feel special even though in reality our entire solar
The Fall of Atheism 5
The Dawn of the Post-Atheist World The facts that we have briefly summarized to this point shows clearly that atheism is undergoing an inevitable collapse. In other words, humanity is -- and will be -- ...
Can Rich People Get Into Heaven?
Why is it so hard for a rich man to get into heaven? The Bible tells us that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, which means that, unless you mince the camel, it's just about impossible. Another line in the Bible tells us that a man cannot serve God and Mammon.
Psychic Signs … and the Myth of Coincidence
Do we understand those little signs and messages that come into our lives every day?
Dave's Pursuit of God (Page 3)
On page 3 of this Christian testimony of a life transformed by faith in God, you'll continue to read the true story of Dave's transformation from drug addict to born-again Christian.
Why Did God Destroy New Orleans with Hurricane Katrina?
Many people believe that God was real angry at mankind and got a wild hair up his butt and sent Hurricane Katrina into the Gulf Shore and New Orleans to teach people a lesson. But if that were so what was the lesson?