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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Hitler's Vienna: A Dictator's Apprenticeship

Just how did Adolf Hitler become the Hitler of history - a rabid hater and butcher? Was there something in his family or his life which made him what he became? According to Brigitte Hamann, a key place to look is Vienna, Austria, during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

How to Convert the Greek Numerical Alphabet

The ancient Greek civilization made advancements in many areas, including several in mathematics. In their calculations they used a number system based on their alphabet. Though in the following centuries, the Arabic numeral system has taken hold in Greece as in the rest of the West, in Greece today

The Carpenter and the Ape

This tale from the Panchatantra is about a mischievous monkey whose stupidityleads him to punishment. The moral: Do not meddle with things that don't concernyou.

Memorizing the Word of God

Are there benefits to learning Scripture verses by heart today? In this instant world the thought of memorizing scripture verses may seem a little outdated. There are many ways of making scripture part of your ...

The Mystical Nature of Names

The Mystical Nature of Names Until relatively recently it was not a common practice to use your given name among strangers; instead a pseudonym was used for public display. It was once widely believed that ...

How to Tell a Fake From Real True Religion

The religions of the world provide many people with direction, values, and solace. Many religions were founded hundreds of years ago and have developed into widespread and diverse foundations of belief and culture. Religions have a persuasive power over the human spirit and, for this reason, have of

Financial Help for Funeral Costs in California

Funerals can be quite expensive. They can also be a financial surprise for relatives, who are responsible for the costs if the estate does not have enough funds to cover the burial. There are several organizations you can turn to for financial assistance in California. However, be aware that if your

Supplies for Rosary Makers

Rosariesrosary image by Marek Kosmal from Fotolia.comThe history of the rosary dates back to the 12th century, when Saint Dominic had a vision of Mary and she gave him one, according to the Personalized Rosaries website. Rosaries have been used for prayer and mediation ever since. Making...

The Fundamentals Of Scientology

Control over space and time, everlasting happiness and a sense of Clear are all achievable through the wonders of Scientology. But how much truth is there in L Ron Hubbard's theory of Dianetics?

How to Make Your Mind Think Differently

Thinking differently can lead to career success, improve academic performance and enhance quality of life. Researchers across the country study the ways our habits, culture and social groups affect cognitive style and ability. Their findings reveal which activities can change the way we think and he

What Are The Best Known Pagan Paths?

Wondering about some of the different Pagan traditions out there? There are a lot of them, and none are the same as the others. Find out about some of the best-known Pagan religions out there.

Scientology: The New Cult of Lies

If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade (To convince by argument, or reasons offered; or to convince by reasons suggested by reflection or deliberation, or by evidence presented in any manner to the mind.

Organic Church Organic Spirituality

A dear friend of mine had a dream where God spoke to him and said "Just Be". Here is the question. What is the difference between doing church and being church?One is organic church, the other is artificial church fertilized with program and schemes.

And When You Pray, Do Not Use Vain Repetitions - Matthew 6:7

Jesus does not like prayers that are repetitions of prayers we have said before. Not that we can't ask repeatably for the same thing. But the Lord does not like repetitious statements in prayer, boastful sorts of things. Let me share...

Bible Lessons on Sharing for Adult Classes

Many churches include adult classes that study the Bible as a part of the Sunday school department. They also encourage adults to meet at other times to study the Bible. Topical studies provide the students with focus Scriptures about subjects such as sharing or serving the world. A study on sharing

Astrology sun sign guides

Cardinal means first, and comes from the Latin cardinalis, with the meaning of principal or pivotal. The role of cardinal signs is to push forward, be first, initiate. They're the instigators

New Relaxation Techniques

Learn proven techniques to improve your health through the use of relaxation techniques. These simple tips can be applied from your own home.