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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Islam, a complete Religion
Islam, one of the three major world religions, along with Judaism and Christianity, that profess monotheism, or the belief in a single God. In the Arabic language, the word Islam means 'surrender' or
Distressed, In Debt, Or Discontented?
Are you distressed, in debt, or discontented? All is not lost. You might be right where God want's you to be. What if I showed you some people that were all of the above and they found a way out?
Get Excellent Teen Gift Ideas Online
This article about teen gift ideas will take an amateur's view at this intriguing subject. It will give you the knowledge that you need to know most when it comes to unique presents.
Who is a Kalpavasi?
The importance of Kalpavasa and its benefits are believed to be the same as experiencing one day at the Brahmaloka or 4.32 billion years are highlighted. According to the Hindu Dharma, this is the closest one may come to immortality.
Are you stuck in a rut?
Sometimes in life we can get into what's called being 'stuck in a rut'. By the grace of God you wake up every morning doing the same routine which might consist of going to work, ...
A Faithful Church Maintains Its Separate Existence In Order to Defend True Doctrine and Practice
The catholic church comprehends all that profess the true religion. There is a lawful and necessary division of it into sections in respect of local situation. But when a number of people, bearing the Christian name, combine together as a distinct society, for the purpose of maintaining and propagat
Prophetic Rebuke - What is Rebuke?
What is a rebuke? defines a rebuke as a "expression of sharp, stern disapproval of; a reprove or reprimand."
Are There Gods in Buddhism?
Do Buddhists believe in God or gods? Buddhism is always considered unique and special among religions because its practitioners don't believe in a creator god, or at least, they don't rely on him for their salvation. According to the Pali Canon, the most ancient of Buddhist scriptures, the
On Moral Values
Moral values, what are the basis on which they should be based? what is their relation to metaphysics and the existence of God?
Readers' Choice Awards in Holistic Healing
Holistic Healing Readers' Choice Awards Finalists and Winners.
Canon Law Rules on Marriage
Canon Law provides rules and guidelines for Catholic marriages.Wedding car for Aug 8,2008 image by Vasyl Dudenko from Fotolia.comThe Roman Catholic Church has a detailed set of laws regarding several aspects of Catholic practice, known as the Code of Canon Law. According to New Advent,...
How Do Churches Help Families in Need?
Families having a tough time can turn to several outside sources for help in their time of need. One of these resources is a local church. Churches have the reputation of desiring to help those in need and supplying outreach programs. Churches can help struggling families by providing monetary, emot
Be Careful What You Pray For
What is your prayer life like? Do you find it hard to pray? Do find it hard to find time to pray? When you do pray do you have specific things you are praying for ...
Unique Relationships Serving Communities
As I watched Laila and Georgia, the 6th episode of the Intersection of Faith and Culture short documentary video series, I thought, "I know these people!" Laila has been quite supportive of my work and Georgia is the wife of Stephen Coats, a filmmaker I met at a journalism conference. We s
Pharisees in the New Testament
The Pharisees were a Jewish religious movement that flourished from around 140 BC to 37 BC. Their religious and philosophical thinking were important influences on the rabbinic traditions that developed into modern Judaism. In the New Testament, the Pharisees appear as important characters, often ac
For God And Country: Faith and Patriotism Under Fire, by James Yee
Is America's 'war on terrorism' really a war against extremism and on behalf of democracy, or is it instead a war on Islam? Americans insist that their concern is political, not religious, but there are good reasons to believe that even if this is true, the rhetoric and conduct of Ame
Does Science Suggest Creation or Evolution?
Most people who have ever lived have believed that the universe and all life on earth were created by God. It was only until recent history that a minority of people began to believe that ...
Tiger Eye Healling Crystal Brings Light and Balance
Tiger eye, best known as a lucky amulet, is definitely a keeper. If you don't have one in your medicine pouch yet, please do!
The Black Cat - Superstitions and Beliefs
Black Cat Superstitions As superstitions go, fear of a black cat crossing one's path is of relatively recent origin. It is also entirely antithetical to the revered place held by the cat when it was ...
Called to Fight, Not to Win (A Sermon on Mark 6:1-6) - Part 1
He left that place and came to his hometown, and his disciples followed him. On the Sabbath he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astounded. They said, "Where did ...