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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Psychic predictions and tarot predictions

The perfect psychic can be consulted by offering psychic reading to find answers of many of the unknown questions of your life. Truthful psychic will have the sacred practice in his or her private life ...

Alchemy And The Occult

Alchemy Alchemy is derived from the Arabic word al-Kimia both philosophy and practice ancient focused on trying to change base metals into gold, exploring the preparation of the "elixir of longevity", and the ultimate wisdom, ...

Important Things To Understand About Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming, also known as conscious dreaming is the practice of remaining aware of oneself as well as the fact that one is dreaming while dreaming. While in a dream, you are conscious of the fact

How To Choose a Psychic Advisor

Have you required the recommendation of a psychic previously and wish to try it again? Or, you just wish to have a psychic reading done.

Sound Therapy and the Miracle of Music

Evolve with music. I remember as a kid how much I enjoyed listening to music while busy with my homework and that has never changed. Now I work, write, paint, exercise and cook to music, ...

Feel the Touch of the Holy City through Religious Gifts

Aside from the widely-celebrated events like Christmas and Easter Sunday, Catholics celebrate different spiritual milestones in their own lives, such as baptism, first communion, confirmation, and wedding. When being invited to one of these joyful ...

The Battle of Supremacy Between The Ego and The Soul

As explained so clearly in the eastern scriptures the Bhagavad-Gita there is an endless war that wages between the body Kurukshetra with its whole army of old veteran warriors the ego consciousness an

Saint Clement Of Rome A Short Biography

A short biography of St. Clement of Rome Patron Saint and Martyr. Prayer of St Clement, Life of St Clement, medals and pendants dedicated to St Clement

Bar Kochva

Shimon Bar Kochva was the leader of the last and most successful Jewish rebellion against Rome in 132-135 C.E. Read a succinct biography of this famous Jewish leader.

How To Properly Hydrate When Losing Weight

When ou takµ all the aailable weight loss information out there into account, you may soon feel confused. That -s understadable. Yo need to start simple t‹ gµt the best long-term results. Below you ill ...

How to Remember the Books of the Bible

The Bible has been printed in over 2,000 languages and is the best-selling book of all time. The first book of the Bible, the book of Job, is thought to have been written around 1450 BC, and the last book was written around 100 AD. It contains a total of 66 books in all. Memorizing the names of the

The Codes to know God in Bible vs. Quran (2)

In the Bible, God gives many more signs to know Him e.g. sin He will cause when fathers to eat their sons and sons to eat their fathers Because of your etc. In the Quran, Allah says:' O my worshipers,

Called, Chosen, and Faithful

I recently started a new Christian blog to help spread the Good News of Salvation. Almost two months in I am now up to my seventeenth post. Originally my blog was started to help with ...

Signs That a Scorpio Man Likes You

On the surface level, it may be tough to tell whether or not a Scorpio Man really likes you. Not surprisingly, guys under this Zodiac sign have a natural tendency for secrecy. On top of ...