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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment

The Most Protective Covering

Protection is possibly the world's most dire need. People today are living in fear of environmental disasters, terrorist plots, wars and plagues. How can our governments fully provide us with some kind of a protective covering?

Where Was The Garden Of Eden Located?

The Garden of Eden is the name of the place where Adam and Eve lived before their sin. Exactly where was this garden located that God created, which has also been called Paradise? There are many theor

What Tools Did Apothecaries Wear in Colonial Times?

Mystery and intrigue surrounded apothecaries of the Middle Ages, but by the colonial era in the 17th and 18th centuries, the trade had developed into a sort of medical profession. Colonial apothecaries prescribed pharmaceutical and natural remedies for illness, aided in childbirth and performed min

Five Reasons Why Islamic Cultures Spread

The spread of Islam began in the early 7th Century, during the life of the Prophet Muhammad, and continued after his death in 632 A.D. There is no simple explanation for its expansion, but some historians suggest that Muslim conquest and forced conversion are a large part of its success. Others argu

A Simple Prayer for the Warrior Soul

Do you feel connected to the warrior spirits of your ancestors? This prayer invokes honor and wisdom as part of the warrior path.

Religious Liberty in America: Political Safeguards

Religious liberty is important in the American political system and to the American conception of itself as a free nation. Although religious liberties may be established in the American Constitution, mere words cannot guarantee that freedoms will be protected. But to whom should we turn when libert

Nike Corporations Make Investments That Flop All the Time

La Mxima atmsfera ao acaba de quitar las botas y ZAPATILLAS NIKE AIR STRUCTURE TRIAX 91 BARATAS los zapatos poseen un extremadamente parte superior de nylon de dos niveles, la parte superior de Flywire utiliza ...

Meet Ishmael: Abraham's Forgotten Son

Ishmael was the first son of Abraham, born to Hagar. He was to be heir until Isaac was born, creating the conflict that continues in their descendents.

Eid Ul-fitr (bringing The Fast To An End) & Eid Al-adha (festival Of Sacrifice)

Eid is Arabic term which means festival. The festival can be of any religion but usuallythis word is associated with two festivals of Islam that are Eid ul-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.The first one is celebrated in the first 3 days of 10th Calendar month of Islam (Shawwal)and second one is in the mid of la

Jesus was a Jew - God Might be an Atheist

It is amazing that religion tells us to ditch the ego and give our lives to god. But apparently we are also said to be made in the image of god. Unfortunately this causes a conflict in thought. You see we have been told that Jesus was a Jew and was the son of dog (sorry I am dyslexic and sometimes I

What is Soul Sleep and Do the Holy Scriptures Disprove It? - Part 1 of 2

Soul sleep? What's that? I'll tell you, nonsensical mainstream Christian jargon. Who thinks up these Toy Town expressions, could it be Noddy or Big Ears? No way, I would never insult Noddy and Big Ears in such a way. So who are they, again, I will tell you, they are people who are devoid o

Bulletin Board Ideas for Volunteers

Volunteer organizations, such as Habitat for Humanity, can use bulletin boards to help organize information.cutting image by Adkok from Fotolia.comBulletin boards are a great asset for volunteer organizations. Bulletin boards keep people informed of opportunities and scheduled events and...

Who Should Be Teaching Our Kids?

While listening to the news lately - have you noticed the dramatic increase in teachers having all kinds of morally reprehensible relationships with their students?There have been numerous news articles about this problem - and many additional articles wondering exactly WHY this is happening.

Why Are There So Many Religions?

Why are there so many religions in the world? Why have there been many conflicts among devoters? Could they live peacefully together?

How to Be Born Again

Born Again Christians believe that being born again is a spiritual transformation, whereby eternal life is imparted to the soul and a personal relationship with God begins. Many Born Again Christians follow these steps to spiritual regeneration.

More About Born Again and you part 2

Romans 7:9 I was alive once without the law, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died. 10. And the commandment, which was to bring life, I found to bring death. 11. For ...