It was a Sunday morning as I approached the altar at Dance Spirit to use the tarot deck. In my mind was a question about outcomes. As I sat at the altar, question in mind, I pulled a tarot card and got an “answer” that seemed totally irrelevant to my question. Of course that did not stop me from pulling several other cards, which also did not seem relevant. Frustrated with non-answers I gave up.
The following week and for several weeks afterward, my questions were usually met with either more irrelevant answers, or answers I did not want to hear. A few times the cards gave me responses I desired but I realized I did not believe the good things the cards seemed to indicate would happen if I remained on my current path. Still each week I approached the altar, unaware how wonderful a mirror of my own inner process this experience was providing.
Finally one week as I was about to pick a tarot card, I heard my inner wisdom ask “What outcome do you want?” I realized that the tarot cards did not tell me what was going to happen because I create my own reality. The information from the cards did not matter. I have known for many years that predictive tools only show you the most likely outcome given your current path, and that they mostly show you your own inner process, but still that did not stop me from wanting to know the most likely outcome and from understanding my own thinking. The message “What outcome do you want?” changed all that. I don’t need to understand my own thinking. All I need to do is choose what I want.
If you have read books such as “The Secret,” and even if you haven’t, you have probably heard the idea that you create your reality via your thinking and beliefs. You probably also know how difficult it is to avoid falling back into limiting beliefs and thinking. No sooner do create an intention than the limiting thinking and beliefs show up, telling you what you want is not possible, etc. Or perhaps, like me, you seek confirmation that what you are doing is working. Constantly wondering, worrying, and checking will sabotage your heart felt intentions. Tarot cards were a way I checked in to see how my inner work and intentions was progressing. However, since my checking was coming from fear that my manifesting was not working, it was coming from limitation.
So what to do? How can you tell if your manifesting is working, especially when addressing areas of your life where results can take a while to show up? How can you do this in a way that supports your manifesting? This is the role of certainty. Since you create your reality, instead of checking to see how it is working, worrying that it is not, or feeling frustrated at what seems like lack of results, use the power of certainty. Each time you seek confirmation, or feel frustrated, choose to feel certainty.
What does it feel like to be certain? Begin with something you feel certain about, such as your eye or skin color. It is important to choose something you are so certain about that if someone told you otherwise, you would doubt their sanity. Feel what it feels like to be certain. Once you can do this, feel the thing you wish to manifest and transfer the feeling of certainty onto your manifestation. Then whenever you seek confirmation it is working, or when you feel doubt or fear, feel again the certainty. If you lose touch with what it feels like to be certain, go back to the original thing that you are certain about beyond any doubt and again transfer it to that which you are manifesting. Feel the calm knowing, the strength, of certainty. Allow certainty to work for you and whatever happens in your life, know for certain that all is well.
Linda White Dove
Copyright 2009 Linda White Dove
Permission is granted to share this article with others, provided you include my name as author, along with my website.
It was a Sunday morning as I approached the altar at Dance Spirit to use the tarot deck. In my mind was a question about outcomes. As I sat at the altar, question in mind, I pulled a tarot card and got an “answer” that seemed totally irrelevant to my question. Of course that did not stop me from pulling several other cards, which also did not seem relevant. Frustrated with non-answers I gave up.
The following week and for several weeks afterward, my questions were usually met with either more irrelevant answers, or answers I did not want to hear. A few times the cards gave me responses I desired but I realized I did not believe the good things the cards seemed to indicate would happen if I remained on my current path. Still each week I approached the altar, unaware how wonderful a mirror of my own inner process this experience was providing.
Finally one week as I was about to pick a tarot card, I heard my inner wisdom ask “What outcome do you want?” I realized that the tarot cards did not tell me what was going to happen because I create my own reality. The information from the cards did not matter. I have known for many years that predictive tools only show you the most likely outcome given your current path, and that they mostly show you your own inner process, but still that did not stop me from wanting to know the most likely outcome and from understanding my own thinking. The message “What outcome do you want?” changed all that. I don’t need to understand my own thinking. All I need to do is choose what I want.
If you have read books such as “The Secret,” and even if you haven’t, you have probably heard the idea that you create your reality via your thinking and beliefs. You probably also know how difficult it is to avoid falling back into limiting beliefs and thinking. No sooner do create an intention than the limiting thinking and beliefs show up, telling you what you want is not possible, etc. Or perhaps, like me, you seek confirmation that what you are doing is working. Constantly wondering, worrying, and checking will sabotage your heart felt intentions. Tarot cards were a way I checked in to see how my inner work and intentions was progressing. However, since my checking was coming from fear that my manifesting was not working, it was coming from limitation.
So what to do? How can you tell if your manifesting is working, especially when addressing areas of your life where results can take a while to show up? How can you do this in a way that supports your manifesting? This is the role of certainty. Since you create your reality, instead of checking to see how it is working, worrying that it is not, or feeling frustrated at what seems like lack of results, use the power of certainty. Each time you seek confirmation, or feel frustrated, choose to feel certainty.
What does it feel like to be certain? Begin with something you feel certain about, such as your eye or skin color. It is important to choose something you are so certain about that if someone told you otherwise, you would doubt their sanity. Feel what it feels like to be certain. Once you can do this, feel the thing you wish to manifest and transfer the feeling of certainty onto your manifestation. Then whenever you seek confirmation it is working, or when you feel doubt or fear, feel again the certainty. If you lose touch with what it feels like to be certain, go back to the original thing that you are certain about beyond any doubt and again transfer it to that which you are manifesting. Feel the calm knowing, the strength, of certainty. Allow certainty to work for you and whatever happens in your life, know for certain that all is well.
Linda White Dove
Copyright 2009 Linda White Dove
Permission is granted to share this article with others, provided you include my name as author, along with my website.