Uses of Fructose
- Fructose occurs naturally in fruits.poire 7 image by Guy Pracros from
Fructose is a naturally occurring sugar found in fruits and vegetables. Crystalline fructose remains a popular sweetening agent in the production of foods and beverages. Crystalline fructose often gets confused with high fructose corn syrup. There has been significant speculation surrounding the health risks of high fructose corn syrup yet the FDA concluded that, "high fructose [corn] syrup is as safe for use in food as sucrose, corn sugar, corn syrup and invert sugar." - Crystalline Fructose is the pure form of fructose which does not contain glucose-like high fructose corn syrup. Crystalline fructose is a naturally occurring sweetener that is commonly used in a variety of products. Common foods and drinks which contain crystalline fructose include powdered beverages that require water, low-calorie food options, flavored or flavor enhanced water, carbonated sodas and drinks, energy and sports drinks, chocolate flavored milk, cereals and oatmeal, yogurts and baked goods. Crystalline fructose appears in many health conscious products and does not have the same connotation as high fructose corn syrup which has been loosely associated with contributing to diabetes and obesity.
- High fructose corn syrup does not contain 100% fructose like pure crystalline corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup is a sugar produced from corn which can be digested by the human body in a similar fashion as table sugar. High fructose corn syrup can be found in a majority of the packaged food products found in grocery stores throughout the U.S. High fructose corn syrup is used as a sweetener in food products such as bread crumbs and meat glazes, various flavors of fruit drinks including fruit punch and lemonade, sodas and soft drinks, coffee drinks, breads, cereals, pastries, candies, condiments, cookies and cakes.
- High fructose corn syrup also functions as a sweetener in various types of medicines. Fructose can be found in cough suppressants, decongestant drops and liquids for both children and adults, as well as nighttime medicines used for coughs and colds. High fructose corn syrup can also be found in decongestant rubs that are applied to the chest and under the nose.
Crystalline Fructose Products
High Fructose Corn Syrup Products
Fructose in Medicine