About Aloe Vera Plants

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    • Aloe vera starts as a rosette and forms a cluster of succulent spiny leaves. The color may be bright or dark green, with some red-green-leaved varieties available. Aloe vera spreads by underground rhizomes, and new plants, called offsets, grow around the larger plant. The size varies from 1 to 3 feet tall depending on the species. What all aloe vera have in common is the slimy gel-like substance that fills the succulent leaves. Some species produce a spike of orange or yellow flowers in the fall or winter.


    • Aloe vera has been used for medicinal purposes for over 5,000 years. Its primary use is to aid in the healing of superficial cuts and burns. The leaves are sliced and the gel is placed directly on the wound. Aloe vera is also used in the cosmetics industry. Always cut the mature bottom leaves to prevent damaging the plant. As a landscaping plant, aloe vera can be used in a rock garden or in a container. In colder climates aloe vera is grown indoors on a sunny windowsill.


    • Plant aloe vera where it receives at least four hours of full sun each day. The soil must be well-drained as aloe vera cannot tolerate waterlogged soil. Aloe vera thrives in an acidic soil with a pH below 7.0. If growing in a container, use a potting mix suitable for succulents or cacti. The container must have good drainage. Water the aloe vera plant by soaking it thoroughly when it the root ball is dry. Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer once in the spring according to the directions on the fertilizer container label. Protect aloe vera from freezing temperatures.


    • Dig up the aloe vera plant along with the offsets surrounding the plant. Use a sharp knife to slice the root between the offset and the mother plant. Replant the mother plant and plant the offsets in a well-drained container or suitable outdoor location. Water thoroughly after transplanting to settle the soil around the newly potted or planted aloe vera plants.

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