When to Plant Vegetable Seeds in Washington
- Plant bush beans through July and pole beans until mid-June. Carrots and onions can be planted until mid-July. Plant collards, kale and head lettuce in July, while leaf lettuce can be seeded through mid-August.
- Plant peas by early November, onion seedlings in August and onion sets any time the soil can be worked, advises the Washington State University Extension. Add cornsalad and garlic in late October.
- Tomatoes, zucchini and squash should be planted by mid-May or after the soil warms, notes the Washington State University Extension. The extension suggests using short-season variety tomato transplants and planting in mid- to late March.
- Heat-loving crops--peppers, eggplants and cucumbers--benefit from protection, such as plastic covers. The Washington State University Extension notes that the benefit to the plants comes from the added warmth generated and warns that such protection allows planting to occur up to two weeks earlier in the spring at the most.
Fall Gardens
Winter Gardens
Summer Gardens