Natural Remedies for Chest Congestion in Babies
- It is common for babies and infants to make sounds that indicate they are suffering from chest congestion. Due to an overabundance of fluid secretions that can accumulate in the back of their throat, they may make loud breathing sounds that sound like the sounds we make when we are congested.
Before beginning any type of natural treatment for baby chest congestion, it is always best to schedule an appointment with a pediatrician to ensure that your baby is in fact suffering from congestion. As most of the natural remedies used to treat baby congestion are perfectly safe, there is no harm in using them but you do want to make sure there is no severe medical issue causing the problem. - One of the best natural ways to break up chest congestion is to use a humidifier or other steam source. Adding a few drops of effervescent essential oil such as eucalyptus, peppermint or spearmint to the water of the humidifier will help to clean breathing pathways. Sit in close proximity to the humidifier while holding your baby, so that he can breath in the cleansing steam.
If the baby is old enough (approximately 8 months or older) feed him warm broth which will further help to break up congestion. If you have not already introduced your baby to foods other than formula or breast milk, consult with your pediatrician before doing so. You should only use homemade broth, ideally from vegetable stock, as store bought broth is high in sodium and preservatives. A small amount of broth a few times a day will not only provide natural nutrients that will help combat any illness the baby may have, but the warmth from the liquid will also help to break of phlegm and clear away congestion.
Another option is to flush the baby's nasal passages with a saline solution. There are over-the-counter saline flushes available such as "NaSal" which can be used to safely flush mucus build-up from the nostrils in babies of all ages. Once the nostrils are flushed with the saline, use of a aspirator bulb will further help to remove fluid and clear congestion. - When using a natural treatment for chest congestion on babies, use treatments that will not come in direct contact with the baby. A baby's skin and internal system is much more delicate than an adult's, so it is important that you avoid actual contact from any herbs or supplements you choose to use.
About Baby Chest Congestion
Natural Remedies for Chest Congestion