Main Cause of Vitamin D Deficiency
Importance of Vitamin D Vitamin D is an essential element in the absorption of calcium, which is important for strong, healthy bones.
A vitamin D deficiency in the body can contribute to the development of osteoporosis because a lack of vitamin D means less calcium absorption Vitamin D is important to the modulation of neuromuscular and immune function, and helps to reduce inflammation.
The interaction of Vitamin D and the endocrine system helps to balance the production of hormones.
There is now evidence that vitamin D is important for preventing heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other degenerative diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, problems tolerating glucose, and multiple sclerosis.
Specifically, vitamin D may reduce the risk of developing colon, prostate, cervical, lung, or breast cancer, brain tumors, multiple myeloma and even skin cancer.
Sources of vitamin D Another cause of vitamin D deficiency is that dietary means to increase your intake of vitamin D are low because very few foods naturally contain vitamin D.
The best sources are cold water fish (salmon, tuna, and mackerel) and fish liver oils.
Beef liver, cheese, egg yolk and some mushrooms contain small amounts of Vitamin D.
The vitamin D in these foods is in the form of vitamin D3.
Many foods are fortified with vitamin D in the American diet.
Most of the milk supply in the United States vitamin D fortified.
Other vitamin D fortified foods are cereal flours and related products, other dairy products, and calcium-fortified fruit juices and drinks.
Harmful effects of sunscreen Sunscreen is another cause of vitamin D deficiency.
Research indicates over 80% of sunscreen products are not only ineffective at preventing cancer, they can actually cause cancer.
In addition, they prevent the access of vitamin D.
Sunscreen interferes with vitamin D production by screening out ultraviolet light.
Further, the chemicals in sunscreen can break down when exposed to sunlight, and they contain other stabilizing chemicals which penetrate the skin and present significant health concerns.
You can develop your own "internal sunscreen" by including berries, spirulina and chlorella in your diet as they contain high levels of antioxidants.
These types of foods helps your body develop a barrier which naturally blocks excessive UV rays.
A healthy diet with foods high in vitamin D, and regular, short term exposure to sunshine is your best method of obtaining adequate levels of vitamin D.
The cause of vitamin D deficiency can be mitigated by adequate dietary sources and sun exposure.
A vitamin D deficiency in the body can contribute to the development of osteoporosis because a lack of vitamin D means less calcium absorption Vitamin D is important to the modulation of neuromuscular and immune function, and helps to reduce inflammation.
The interaction of Vitamin D and the endocrine system helps to balance the production of hormones.
There is now evidence that vitamin D is important for preventing heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other degenerative diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, problems tolerating glucose, and multiple sclerosis.
Specifically, vitamin D may reduce the risk of developing colon, prostate, cervical, lung, or breast cancer, brain tumors, multiple myeloma and even skin cancer.
Sources of vitamin D Another cause of vitamin D deficiency is that dietary means to increase your intake of vitamin D are low because very few foods naturally contain vitamin D.
The best sources are cold water fish (salmon, tuna, and mackerel) and fish liver oils.
Beef liver, cheese, egg yolk and some mushrooms contain small amounts of Vitamin D.
The vitamin D in these foods is in the form of vitamin D3.
Many foods are fortified with vitamin D in the American diet.
Most of the milk supply in the United States vitamin D fortified.
Other vitamin D fortified foods are cereal flours and related products, other dairy products, and calcium-fortified fruit juices and drinks.
Harmful effects of sunscreen Sunscreen is another cause of vitamin D deficiency.
Research indicates over 80% of sunscreen products are not only ineffective at preventing cancer, they can actually cause cancer.
In addition, they prevent the access of vitamin D.
Sunscreen interferes with vitamin D production by screening out ultraviolet light.
Further, the chemicals in sunscreen can break down when exposed to sunlight, and they contain other stabilizing chemicals which penetrate the skin and present significant health concerns.
You can develop your own "internal sunscreen" by including berries, spirulina and chlorella in your diet as they contain high levels of antioxidants.
These types of foods helps your body develop a barrier which naturally blocks excessive UV rays.
A healthy diet with foods high in vitamin D, and regular, short term exposure to sunshine is your best method of obtaining adequate levels of vitamin D.
The cause of vitamin D deficiency can be mitigated by adequate dietary sources and sun exposure.