Internet Income For Baby Boomers
Let's hear it for the Baby Boomer Generation.
We've been through a lot, and have survived massive evolution of technology, society and culture.
Where are we now? Many of us have been left out in the cold financially.
For that reason, the ranks of work at home Baby Boomers is growing at an unprecedented rate.
Should you be one of them? While I can't speak for the entire population of my generation, I'm sure my experiences in life are pretty typical.
So, I invite you to see if you can relate.
Born in Dayton, Ohio in 1949, I grew up in the suburban Midwest.
The son of a factory worker, I remember the advice from my father to finish school, and then get a job with a big company and stay there for life.
Yeah, that was success as far as the Great Depression generation was concerned.
I was even considered the prodigy of the family when I decided to go to college.
Wow, Tom would REALLY make it in the world! After a 4-year break from college to serve in the US Air Force, I went back to school with the help of the GI Bill, while working a full-time job and raising a family.
Still didn't know what I wanted to be when I grew up, even though I was nearing 30.
My life since then has basically been a blur of career changes; some good, some bad.
I went from being a payroll clerk to accountant, to restaurant manager, to franchise owner, to salesman, with several intermediate jobs in between.
But I always had that "work hard" ethic.
Always gave 100% and worked hard to increase my family's standard of living.
What was the common denominator of all this? I had a job.
Yeah, a J.
, Just Over Broke.
Somehow I ended up in my late 50's, divorced, relocated to Florida, and still just working for the man.
Then came the big financial crisis that snuck up on us while we weren't looking.
My house lost half its value, and so did my 401K and IRA, not that it would have been enough for me to retire on anyway.
Lucky for me, I stayed employed, unlike many of my fellow Baby Boomers who really took a big hit when they lost their jobs.
I had dabbled in Multi-Level Marketing a couple time, under the pressure of friends.
I ended up proving to myself that convincing, explaining and pleading just wasn't for me.
Plus I learned that MLM was a long road to success, if it ever came.
The Internet changed everything.
Now there are millions of people online searching for a path to freedom and success.
And there are Internet marketing opportunities that offer complete, step-by-step training on exactly what you need to become a successful Internet entrepreneur.
All without buying expensive juice, vitamins, or other inventory stockpiles.
And without harassing all your friends and relatives, or having Tuesday night hotel room meetings.
Now, I work when I want.
I don't even have to shave or even get dressed to go to work.
And, best of all, I don't have to worry about when the bills are due, or how I'm going to pay off my credit.
I now have time for my friends and family, and can help them the way I've always wanted to.
What does it take for a work at home Baby Boomer to become a successful Internet entrepreneur? First, it takes a complete mindset change.
You have to drop the notion that working for the man is the only secure way to reach financial freedom, because it's a false notion.
You have to understand that you don't have to set up a physical business, with property, employees, inventory, etc.
All it takes to get started is a computer and a telephone.
You also have to understand and believe that YOU CAN DO IT.
This is one thing that separates our generation from the younger ones; the hesitation we have from not thinking we know enough about computer and Internet technology to be able to create a successful business online.
Well, the solution to this problem lies right here on the Internet!.
Everything you need to know is right here at your fingertips! Do a search for anything you need to know on Google, and there's the answer.
Is it an easy way to get rich quick? No.
Can you start an Internet business and still keep your job until you can afford to fire your boss? Of course.
Can you start earning money in 30, 60, 90 days? Certainly.
Can you start out just putting in a few hours a week? Not really, it takes a lot of hard work in the beginning.
But, the great thing about Internet Marketing is that your marketing efforts accumulate over time, and your work in the beginning, setting up your own content, begins to become more geared to helping others achieve success.
Each week, millions of Baby Boomers are searching online for a way to provide them with a new life.
They will be looking for what you have to offer.
All you have to do is show it to them.
It's all about the freedom.
It's all about how badly you want the freedom.
And it's all about being willing to learn and take the steps necessary to achieve it.
We've been through a lot, and have survived massive evolution of technology, society and culture.
Where are we now? Many of us have been left out in the cold financially.
For that reason, the ranks of work at home Baby Boomers is growing at an unprecedented rate.
Should you be one of them? While I can't speak for the entire population of my generation, I'm sure my experiences in life are pretty typical.
So, I invite you to see if you can relate.
Born in Dayton, Ohio in 1949, I grew up in the suburban Midwest.
The son of a factory worker, I remember the advice from my father to finish school, and then get a job with a big company and stay there for life.
Yeah, that was success as far as the Great Depression generation was concerned.
I was even considered the prodigy of the family when I decided to go to college.
Wow, Tom would REALLY make it in the world! After a 4-year break from college to serve in the US Air Force, I went back to school with the help of the GI Bill, while working a full-time job and raising a family.
Still didn't know what I wanted to be when I grew up, even though I was nearing 30.
My life since then has basically been a blur of career changes; some good, some bad.
I went from being a payroll clerk to accountant, to restaurant manager, to franchise owner, to salesman, with several intermediate jobs in between.
But I always had that "work hard" ethic.
Always gave 100% and worked hard to increase my family's standard of living.
What was the common denominator of all this? I had a job.
Yeah, a J.
, Just Over Broke.
Somehow I ended up in my late 50's, divorced, relocated to Florida, and still just working for the man.
Then came the big financial crisis that snuck up on us while we weren't looking.
My house lost half its value, and so did my 401K and IRA, not that it would have been enough for me to retire on anyway.
Lucky for me, I stayed employed, unlike many of my fellow Baby Boomers who really took a big hit when they lost their jobs.
I had dabbled in Multi-Level Marketing a couple time, under the pressure of friends.
I ended up proving to myself that convincing, explaining and pleading just wasn't for me.
Plus I learned that MLM was a long road to success, if it ever came.
The Internet changed everything.
Now there are millions of people online searching for a path to freedom and success.
And there are Internet marketing opportunities that offer complete, step-by-step training on exactly what you need to become a successful Internet entrepreneur.
All without buying expensive juice, vitamins, or other inventory stockpiles.
And without harassing all your friends and relatives, or having Tuesday night hotel room meetings.
Now, I work when I want.
I don't even have to shave or even get dressed to go to work.
And, best of all, I don't have to worry about when the bills are due, or how I'm going to pay off my credit.
I now have time for my friends and family, and can help them the way I've always wanted to.
What does it take for a work at home Baby Boomer to become a successful Internet entrepreneur? First, it takes a complete mindset change.
You have to drop the notion that working for the man is the only secure way to reach financial freedom, because it's a false notion.
You have to understand that you don't have to set up a physical business, with property, employees, inventory, etc.
All it takes to get started is a computer and a telephone.
You also have to understand and believe that YOU CAN DO IT.
This is one thing that separates our generation from the younger ones; the hesitation we have from not thinking we know enough about computer and Internet technology to be able to create a successful business online.
Well, the solution to this problem lies right here on the Internet!.
Everything you need to know is right here at your fingertips! Do a search for anything you need to know on Google, and there's the answer.
Is it an easy way to get rich quick? No.
Can you start an Internet business and still keep your job until you can afford to fire your boss? Of course.
Can you start earning money in 30, 60, 90 days? Certainly.
Can you start out just putting in a few hours a week? Not really, it takes a lot of hard work in the beginning.
But, the great thing about Internet Marketing is that your marketing efforts accumulate over time, and your work in the beginning, setting up your own content, begins to become more geared to helping others achieve success.
Each week, millions of Baby Boomers are searching online for a way to provide them with a new life.
They will be looking for what you have to offer.
All you have to do is show it to them.
It's all about the freedom.
It's all about how badly you want the freedom.
And it's all about being willing to learn and take the steps necessary to achieve it.