How Does Car Wax Work to Protect Paint?
- Car wax is designed to do more than just make a car's paint job shine and sparkle. Car wax is designed to shield car paint from environmental factors, thus increasing its longevity and making it look better longer. Car wax normally contains and array of special chemicals and additives, such as polyurethane and certain plant sterols, that bond with the paint's surface and work to repel outside factors from harming a car's paint.
- Car wax creates a super-shiny and slippery surface to a car's paint job. This slippery surface helps to protect a car's paint by inhibiting certain things like dirt, grime, and road tar from sticking to, and damaging, a car's paint. The more slippery the surface, the less chance there is of harmful debris lodging on a paint's surface and causing damage.
- A net effect of shielding against and absorbing many environmental factors, namely sunlight, is a lowering of the temperature of a car's paint. This reduced paint temperature increases the longevity of a car's paint by preventing the heat-related breakdown of the paint molecules, which can often be seen as faded and/or oxidized areas of paint. Sunlight and high temperatures are very damaging to car paint, but a good wax job wil protect against a lot of the sun's harmful effects.
Shields Paint From Environmental Factors
Creates a Non-Stick Surface
Reduces Paint Temperature