How to Replace the Clutch Master Cylinder on a 1985 Toyota Hilux

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    Replacing the Clutch Master Cylinder

    • 1). Detach the master cylinder pushrod from the clutch pedal under the instrument panel of your Toyota Hilux using a pair of needle nose pliers.

    • 2). Open the hood and disconnect the hydraulic line from the clutch master cylinder using a line wrench. Wrap a clean shop rag around the line fitting as it comes loose. Cover the line opening with a piece of clean plastic sheet and secure it with a rubber band to avoid brake fluid from spilling. Also, plug the fitting hole on the master cylinder by using the plastic plug installed on the fitting hole of the new master cylinder.

    • 3). Unscrew the master cylinder two mounting bolts from the firewall using a ratchet, ratchet extension and socket.

    • 4). Remove the master cylinder from the vehicle, and be careful not to drip brake fluid on the body paint of your Toyota. The fluid will dissolve the paint.

    • 5). Detach the reservoir from the master cylinder by hand, and install it on the new master cylinder.

    • 6). Set the new master cylinder in position on the firewall, and loosely thread the two mounting bolts and hydraulic line.

    • 7). Tighten the master-cylinder mounting bolts using the ratchet, ratchet extension and socket.

    • 8). Tighten the hydraulic line fitting nut with the line wrench.

    Bleeding the Clutch Hydraulic System

    • 1). Refill the master cylinder reservoir with new brake fluid to bring up the level to the Full mark.

    • 2). Follow the master-cylinder hydraulic line to the other end where it connects with the clutch slave cylinder next to the transmission.

    • 3). Remove the cap from the bleeder screw on the slave cylinder, loosen the bleeder screw with a wrench, and cover it with your finger the hole on the valve molded on top of the bleeder screw.

    • 4). Ask a helper to depress the clutch pedal four times and hold the pedal down.

    • 5). Take your finger off the valve partially to bleed the air from the slave cylinder, and cover the hole again with your finger.

    • 6). Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until you feel on your finger fluid pressure on the bleeder valve, and tighten the bleeder screw.

    • 7). Connect a piece of clear vinyl hose to the bleeder screw valve, and immerse the other end of the hose in a container with new brake fluid. Make sure the hose end remains submerged in the fluid during the next steps.

    • 8). Ask a helper to depress the clutch pedal four times and hold the pedal down.

    • 9). Loosen the bleeder screw just enough to allow brake fluid to run through the hose connected to the valve, then tighten the bleeder screw.

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      Repeat Steps 8 and 9 until you see no more air bubbles flowing through the hose. Tighten the bleeder screw fully, remove the hose from the bleeder screw, and replace the cap on the bleeder screw.

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      Refill the reservoir on the clutch master cylinder with new brake fluid to bring the level up to the "Full" mark.

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