Outdoorsman Merit Badge Activities
- Cub Scouts participate in several outdoor activities before earing the Outdoorsman activity badge.boy scouts image by Inhumane Productions from Fotolia.com
Cub Scouts, a subset of the Boy Scouts of America, aims to encourage good character in boys between the ages of seven and 10. Each Scout is a member of a group of boys of the same age called a den. Dens meet weekly to participate in games, crafts or sports. Scouts also go camping, go on field trips and perform community service projects. While Boy Scouts earn merit badges through these activities, the oldest Cub Scout den, Webelos, earn activity badges. The Outdoorsman activity badge is one badge that is required to earn Cub Scouts' highest honor, the Arrow of Light award. The Scout chooses from several activity options. Once the Scout completes a certain amount of activities, his den leader presents him with the Outdoorsman badge. - Camping is the largest part of earning the Outdoorsman activity badge. The Scout must complete at least two camping activities. The Scout can demonstrate his knowledge of camping gear and supplies. Participating in an outdoor activity or an overnight camping trip that involves a campfire are also options. If the Scout participates in an overnight activity, he should help to pitch a tent to sleep in. The camping trip can either be with a Boy Scout troop, the Scout's parents or the Scout's Webelos den.
- Outdoor fire safety is very important when a Scout is performing activities to earn the Outdoorsman activity badge. The Scout can participate in safe fire building and extinguishing activities. Before the Scout participates in these activities, he should discuss fire safety rules with his den leader.
- The Scout can participate in a three-mile hike with his parents, a Boy Scout troop or his Webelos den. The Scout should discuss supplies with his den leader before participating in the hike.
- Environmental awareness activities are taught to Scouts through the Leave No Trace Pledge. When Scouts take this pledge, they pledge to protect the environment by sticking to paths that have already been formed, not disturbing the environment by removing things naturally found there and leaving trash in designated areas. The Scout can also plan and participate in a conservation activity with his Webelos den.
Fire Safety Activities
Environmental Awareness