How to Transfer Your Browser Favorites to a New Computer Using Tornado
- 1). Create a depository for your browser's favorites on the new computer by right-clicking the desktop, clicking "New" and then clicking "Folder."
- 2). Type "Data Transfer" into the space provided and press "Enter."
- 3). Pull gently on one of the Tornado's USB cables and connect it to one of the new computer's USB ports. Repeat this procedure on the old computer. The Tornado's file transfer software will launch automatically.
- 4). Point the mouse cursor to the top half of the Tornado software using the new computer. Click the "+" to the left of the "C" drive icon to expand the contents of your C drive on the old computer.
- 5). Locate the favorites folder on the old computer. Internet Explorer favorites are located in "C:\Documents and Settings\username\Favorites" where "username" is your Windows user name.
- 6). Point the mouse cursor to the lower half of the Tornado software and double-click the "Favorites" folder that you created earlier to open it.
- 7). Drag the "Favorites" folder from the top half of the software into the "Data Transfer" folder on the lower half to complete the transfer process.