Math Ideas for the Last Week of School
- Create or purchase some Bingo cards from local teacher supply store. Write different answers to certain equations on each card and distribute them to the students. Instead of just calling out numbers, call out an equation for the students to solve for the answer that can be found on some of their cards. If they answer all of the questions right and get a bingo from the answers to the equations that you call, have a prize for them such as extra credit points or candy.
- For a fun mathematical project, split the class up into groups of three or four students. Give each group some kind of mathematical principal. Have the student's research that principal to discover in what ways it is used in the real world or in real professions. This will help the students realize why the things that they have been learning are relevant and useful for their futures by observing the real-life application of certain calculations.
- Have all of the students in the class stand in a circle. Get a bean bag, a light ball or anything else that can be thrown without hurting someone in the room. Have all of the students in the class assign themselves a random number that is perhaps attached to the front of their bodies so that it is easily seen by the other members of the group. Before a member of the group throws the bean bag to another member of the group, they must say an equation that equals the number that is on the recipient's shirt. For example, if a student is the number two, the thrower must say something like "four minus two equals..." Make a time limit so that a student cannot linger too long with the bag. When a student falters or gets an equation wrong, that student is "out" and must sit down.
- You can use worksheets as a fun activity by making their completion a race. Have students broken into groups and provide each group a worksheet. Give them a specified amount of time in which to complete the worksheet. The first group to finish the worksheet or the group to finish the worksheet with the most right answers should win a prize. This will keep the game competitive and the groups motivated to finish the activity.
Math Bingo
How Is This Used?
Bean Bag Math
Mathematical Worksheets