Quick Home Remedy for Fever Blisters
- Ice or cool wet washcloths applied to the sore can reduce the pain, redness and swelling. Don't leave on for more than a few minutes at a time. Avoid citrus fruits and juices, chocolate, spicy foods and hot liquids that may exacerbate the pain and swelling.
- Cooled green tea bags applied to the sore several time a day may speed healing. Lemon balm, an herb know for its healing properties, is used in ointments for treating cold sores. Taking vitamin C and zinc may help heal your cold sore from the inside out. Also witch hazel, which has astringent properties, can be applied to the sore. Note: witch hazel may sting a bit, so dab on a small amount gently with a cotton swab.
- Although most cold sores need to scab over, you can cover the ugly sores. If you wear makeup, apply your foundation as you normally do--but avoid the cold sore until the end to prevent infecting other areas. Apply water-based foundation by dabbing it on with a cotton swab (and then discard--do not re-use). Then touch up with a cream concealer. Try products that have a green tint, as it minimizes the reddish color.
- Do not share toothbrushes, razors, lip balm or lipstick. Sharing can spread or start an infection or reinfect your lips with the herpes simplex virus. Overexposure to sun can bring on an outbreak, so use lipsticks or lip balms that have sunscreens. Wash hands often and keep your hands away from your face.
- You may have heard the words canker and cold sore use interchangeably. But there's an important difference: Cankers are sores inside the mouth. Cold sores occur only on the lips or the area around the outside of the mouth.
Soothe First
Heal Second
Lastly, Conceal
What's the Difference?