The Five Modes of Communication and Intuition

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This is my layman's understanding of what I see as the five primary modes of communication. These five modes are oral and written, body language, emotional, and telepathy. Speaking and writing are the predominant and favored forms of communication in the world. The spoken and written word is surpassed by the involuntary expressions we call body language. Body language is nonverbal communication. The emotional and cognitive modes are less considered languages. We experience them as intuition. Both have a big impact in our lives.

Language is based on symbols. In fact, humans process everything as symbols. The mind uses this process to operate in the physical world; because of this, speaking and writing are essential skills in the modern era. They form the foundation for any great civilization. Anyone who cannot speak and write according to society's standards is disadvantaged, although not necessarily disabled.

Language is also crude and clumsy. Words are inadequate for conveying a normal thought. When we are presented with something new, most of us are unable to accurately describe the situation. Not only that, but also words and their meanings are often misinterpreted. This confusion has led to many wars.

For the most part, people are unaware of body language. It operates below the level of consciousness. Nonverbal cues include body position, respiration, facial expressions, voice tone, focus, etc. Keep in mind, these are visible manifestations of emotional content. Law enforcement officials use these signals to determine the truthfulness of a witness, suspect, or victim. I can speak to the effectiveness of this process since I am a former criminal defense investigator. People quickly give themselves away without even realizing it. Polygraphs or lie detectors are used to obtain this information, as well. The art of reading body language has tremendous potential. Body language has applications in every industry, including sales, psychology, sports, and even politics. I can only hope practitioners are responsible with this powerful technique.

Emotions are raw unadulterated energy. It makes our lives exciting. It drives our thoughts. Indeed, our universe is driven by emotion. If emotions were removed from the world, things would come to a standstill. Emotions themselves are not hard to interpret if you are paying attention. Some of emotions are blaring. Everyone has been a situation where emotions were intense. More often than not, an emotionally charged person does not know what he or she is trying to convey. In such situations, the meaning of the emotional content may be difficult to interpret. The more subtle emotions are equally difficult for the inexperienced reader to recognize. A person may be attempting to conceal his or her true feelings from the well-intentioned reader. Emotional signals manifest as body language, which is helpful. In psychology, this is referred to as "affect". I believe therapists have an advantage in this area because of their training and experience.

It's fair to say we are constantly assailed and inundated by other people's emotions. Even when we are not in the presence of social network partners, the memories of their emotions continue to work on us. They affect us in ways we cannot perceive. This dynamic, emotional process occurs in our subconscious mind. We need to be aware of this.

Google states that intuition is "the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning." Therefore, emotional intuition is the ability to receive and comprehend another person's emotional signals without the use of analytical processes. It's important to realize that the logical mind has minimal emotional interpretation skills. For example, some people say the heart and mind are in conflict. I only know that love cannot be understood, it must be experienced.

Like body language, emotional intuition is an excellent means of assessing a person's state of mind. With emotional intuition, one can quickly evaluate another person's intention. This helps the reader develop a strategy for working with that person. If used responsibly, the potential for emotional intuition in business is immense.
It's been estimated that the average person has 2,000 thoughts a day. Considering the size of the world population, those numbers add up to a great deal of mental traffic. This produces mental pollution. It can be difficult for the average person to hone in on one particular thought. A telepath must be able to tune in to a specific frequency, much like a radio.

Telepathy is the most natural form of communication. As a medium of communication, thought is used by over 99.99% of the entities residing in the infinite multiverse. Telepathy is the cleanest form of communication. There are no misunderstandings or misconceptions when exchanging ideas this way. Mental telepathy allows for a smoother and unobstructed flow of information. This makes mind reading an effective method for obtaining information.

I encourage you to pursue these communication methods to increase your personal success. Employing the techniques in this article will launch the practitioner into higher planes of success. There is plenty of "how to" information on the Internet. The higher modes are tools of influence. Use them with care.
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