How to Design a Five Day Menu
- 1). Look through your grocery store's weekly food ads to check for sales and specials. Scan saved coupons to get meal ideas.
- 2). Inspect your pantry and refrigerator and make a list of food items you already own. Work the soon-to-expire items, such as produce and dairy ingredients, into your menu plan to avoid wasting money and food.
- 3). Draft a five day menu plan on a piece of paper or in a computer program such as MS Word. Take store sales and specials, coupons and food-on-hand into account when planning the menu.
- 4). Create a complete meal for each day. Design a dinner that includes a main course and one or two side dishes. Make a note of any condiments, such as ketchup and mustard, or spices you need to prepare or complement the meals. Choose meal options that feature a few shared ingredients, such as shredded cheese or hamburger buns, which you can buy in bulk to save money.