How to Keep Praying Mantis Eggs
- 1). Order preying mantis egg sacks from a reputable supplier (see Resources). They are a bit expensive, but each egg sack generally holds anywhere from 150 to 300 or more eggs.
- 2). Prepare a small 8- to 16-ounce container for hatching the eggs. Cover the top of the container with fine mesh screening or fabric. Newly hatched preying mantis can easily fit through small holes and cracks. Never punch holes for ventilation.
- 3). Store at room temperature for 3 to 6 weeks. Monitor the eggs carefully. When mantises hatch, they are nearly invisible to the human eye.
- 4). Release preying mantises into the garden as soon as they have hatched. These tiny insects will disperse and begin to devour insects.
- 5). Keep one or two if you wish to watch them grow. Place a folded paper towel on the bottom of the container. Mist the screening lightly once or twice a week. The paper towel will catch any drips and prevent puddles of water.
- 6). Feed young preying mantis tiny fruit flies or aphids. Increase the size of the insects as the mantis grows.