Go Ugly Early or Shoot for the Stars!
All these years and finally, someone wanted an answer...
huh? Here are my thoughts.
Experience and What you Perceive If you have limited dating women experience then go for an "average girl.
" Not because she is average but because you're inexperienced.
If you go for a "ten" than you will be nervous, your game will fall apart and you will fail.
If you are experienced dating women than why go for average.
You want to be with a "ten" so go for a ten.
I find no joy in getting a girl I don't find attractive.
Furthermore my game is off when I go for average.
I'm just not into it and this becomes blatantly evident to the "average girl.
" Define What is Average and What is a Ten? Great question.
This is perception.
When an amateur starts off he might perceive a ten to be what someone else perceives to be a five.
As his skills and confidence improves what was once a ten is now a six.
For me, a ten used to be a hot body and a beautiful face.
Intelligence didn't matter.
I would wake up with a girl dumber than a brick and that was ok.
Now my ten is an eight or nine but needs to have a brain larger than a squirrel.
Try to find a ten with a hot body, brain and a beautiful face and I'll show you a flying pig.
You see it's all what a person perceives to be hot, ugly or average.
Remember you need something to compare.
A control if you will.
If a guy has never had a serious relationship than how does he know what he wants or what he qualifies as hot or average? Other guys will tell me they have high standards.
Do they really? Or is this an excuse not to try to get the girls for fear of rejection? This relates to women also.
How do girls know if they are into older or younger guys if they have no experience with either one.
Or if they did once, it sucked, and they used this as their only control.
The "Ten" The ten is in your mind, and always will be.
The ten is always illusive and should be.
What I thought to be a ten, years ago, is not anymore.
She was the one that I couldn't dream of possibly approaching, she was drop dead gorgeous.
This girl is my average everyday hook up on par with me today.
Not because I'm a better looking guy, I'm not, or have more money, I do, but because my perceptions on life and all my experiences have changed me.
Then realty sets in.
You walk into your bedroom she's in full drool, bad breath, and let's out a fart.
Her face screams for make up.
Is that cellulose I see? You feel cheated as this was your ten you fantasied about for two years before you finally landed the bitch.
Whoops, I digress.
To go ugly early or shoot for the stars is all based on your realty, experiences, values and how you perceive women.
Now you can make the decision.