Are Panic Attacks a Family Trait?
Scientists and medical practitioners are working very hard trying to find out why people have panic and anxiety attacks.
There is no definite answer yet as to why some people are more susceptible to this condition.
Some researchers say that a genetic mutation, which is a change in the genetic structure of a person animal or plant is responsible for most panic attacks and other anxiety disorders that affect many people.
There isn't just one specific cause for a panic attack; people have them for different reasons.
So far they know that they are caused by a mixture of genetic and environmental factors.
According to the American Psychological Association several factors can trigger them, including stress (a recent loss or separation etc.
) stimulants (drugs that make you feel more active and full of energy), hyperventilation, vitamin B deficiency, a biological malfunction etc.
There is scientific evidence that shows that panic and anxiety disorder is a genetic trait, in other words it's hereditary.
Studies have shown that if you have first-degree biological relatives who suffer from panic and anxiety attacks, or other emotional disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder you have a higher chance of developing this condition yourself.
Studies with twins and different families have confirmed the possibility that heredity plays an important role in the development of panic and anxiety disorders.
Researchers found that 90% of family members suffering from this condition had a genetic abnormality.
This disorder affects about 6 million American adults of all ethnic groups and it is more common in women than it is in men.
Basically a panic attack is your body's way of telling you that it feels threatened, but the fact is that these threats are not real, they are only your thoughts, and it's all in your mind.
In other words, the tightness in your throat, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, nausea, hot flashes, sweating and the feeling of having a heart attack is just the way your body is responding to the irrational and illogical fear that you are experiencing at that moment.
Nevertheless people who suffer from panic disorder can lead normal and fulfilling lives if they receive treatment, Panic and Anxiety Disorder is by all means treatable.
There are several available therapies that can totally eliminate this condition without the need of medication (pharmaceutical drugs) once treated it will not cause any more trouble or complications.
There is no definite answer yet as to why some people are more susceptible to this condition.
Some researchers say that a genetic mutation, which is a change in the genetic structure of a person animal or plant is responsible for most panic attacks and other anxiety disorders that affect many people.
There isn't just one specific cause for a panic attack; people have them for different reasons.
So far they know that they are caused by a mixture of genetic and environmental factors.
According to the American Psychological Association several factors can trigger them, including stress (a recent loss or separation etc.
) stimulants (drugs that make you feel more active and full of energy), hyperventilation, vitamin B deficiency, a biological malfunction etc.
There is scientific evidence that shows that panic and anxiety disorder is a genetic trait, in other words it's hereditary.
Studies have shown that if you have first-degree biological relatives who suffer from panic and anxiety attacks, or other emotional disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder you have a higher chance of developing this condition yourself.
Studies with twins and different families have confirmed the possibility that heredity plays an important role in the development of panic and anxiety disorders.
Researchers found that 90% of family members suffering from this condition had a genetic abnormality.
This disorder affects about 6 million American adults of all ethnic groups and it is more common in women than it is in men.
Basically a panic attack is your body's way of telling you that it feels threatened, but the fact is that these threats are not real, they are only your thoughts, and it's all in your mind.
In other words, the tightness in your throat, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, nausea, hot flashes, sweating and the feeling of having a heart attack is just the way your body is responding to the irrational and illogical fear that you are experiencing at that moment.
Nevertheless people who suffer from panic disorder can lead normal and fulfilling lives if they receive treatment, Panic and Anxiety Disorder is by all means treatable.
There are several available therapies that can totally eliminate this condition without the need of medication (pharmaceutical drugs) once treated it will not cause any more trouble or complications.