Tips to Use Toner and Ink Cartridges Last Longer and Save Money
Maybe you need to do a lot of printing at home or in the office or you just like to be careful with your money, either way I am going to share with you some tips to make your toner and ink last as long as possible.
We can start with a few basic rules to follow:
First of all, these are filled with liquid toner and ink cartridges are filled with a coloured powder that is referred to as toner. In an inkjet printer, an ink cartridge will spray thousands of tiny drops of ink as fine as human hair onto the paper through a series of printer nozzles inside the printer. A laser printer, however, uses a process called 'static charge' that attracts the dry powder (laser toner or ink toner) to the paper and uses a heat process to fuse the toner ink onto the paper. It really is worth covering the basic difference between toner and ink (sometimes referred to as ink toner) before listing the top tips to getting the most out of your cartridges and start saving some money!
Choosing the right toner and ink printer
Manufacturers of printers make most of their money through selling the printer ink cartridge and not the printer. That's why very often you will see a printer advertised at an unbelievably low price-but beware! Very often the ink cartridge is very expensive and unless you choose to use a compatible ink cartridge then buying the cheap printer is becomes a false economy. Always ask your compatible toner and ink supplier which is the best priced toner and ink and choose your printer on that basis.
Don't leave your printer idle for too long
A printer that is used regularly will always give better results. When a printer is left idle for long periods of time the toner and ink may dry out somewhat. To keep the cartridges 'regular' try printing at least one document each week to help the flow of toner ink.
Buy your Toner Ink in bulk
A lot of ink cartridge suppliers will now offer bulk buying on their toner and ink. Especially look out for deals that carry free ink. Toner ink suppliers like to reward loyalty by giving free toner and ink cartridge if you buy the larger multipacks which offer great savings and bonuses for the home and small business user.
Font type and bold text
Believe it or not, a bold font and a fancy font can lessen the life of your ink toner. Try to use a thin style font such as Calibri rather than Arial black. The difference can be significant if you have a large report to print.
Save money with vouchers, offers and promotions
Never pass an opportunity to save money on a promotion on toner and ink. Check Facebook regularly to see if any of the ink cartridge suppliers are offering give-aways or special offers. There are many deals to be had on-line that you would never see in the high street. Also many ink toner suppliers will give a full money back guarantee, so that if you do experience any problems with your cartridges they will replace the toner and ink or refund your money.
We can start with a few basic rules to follow:
First of all, these are filled with liquid toner and ink cartridges are filled with a coloured powder that is referred to as toner. In an inkjet printer, an ink cartridge will spray thousands of tiny drops of ink as fine as human hair onto the paper through a series of printer nozzles inside the printer. A laser printer, however, uses a process called 'static charge' that attracts the dry powder (laser toner or ink toner) to the paper and uses a heat process to fuse the toner ink onto the paper. It really is worth covering the basic difference between toner and ink (sometimes referred to as ink toner) before listing the top tips to getting the most out of your cartridges and start saving some money!
Choosing the right toner and ink printer
Manufacturers of printers make most of their money through selling the printer ink cartridge and not the printer. That's why very often you will see a printer advertised at an unbelievably low price-but beware! Very often the ink cartridge is very expensive and unless you choose to use a compatible ink cartridge then buying the cheap printer is becomes a false economy. Always ask your compatible toner and ink supplier which is the best priced toner and ink and choose your printer on that basis.
Don't leave your printer idle for too long
A printer that is used regularly will always give better results. When a printer is left idle for long periods of time the toner and ink may dry out somewhat. To keep the cartridges 'regular' try printing at least one document each week to help the flow of toner ink.
Buy your Toner Ink in bulk
A lot of ink cartridge suppliers will now offer bulk buying on their toner and ink. Especially look out for deals that carry free ink. Toner ink suppliers like to reward loyalty by giving free toner and ink cartridge if you buy the larger multipacks which offer great savings and bonuses for the home and small business user.
Font type and bold text
Believe it or not, a bold font and a fancy font can lessen the life of your ink toner. Try to use a thin style font such as Calibri rather than Arial black. The difference can be significant if you have a large report to print.
Save money with vouchers, offers and promotions
Never pass an opportunity to save money on a promotion on toner and ink. Check Facebook regularly to see if any of the ink cartridge suppliers are offering give-aways or special offers. There are many deals to be had on-line that you would never see in the high street. Also many ink toner suppliers will give a full money back guarantee, so that if you do experience any problems with your cartridges they will replace the toner and ink or refund your money.