How to Build a Paladin Tank in 'WoW'
- 1). Choose "Protection" as you primary talent tree. The exact talents you invest points into depends on your playstyle; there's no absolute build that paladin tanks must have. You should, however, fully invest in Sanctuary, Hammer of the Righteousness, Shield of the Righteous and Ardent Defender. Tanking without these four talents will result in inefficiency. Do not exceed 34 points in the Protection tree; spend the rest of your points in the "Retribution" tree.
- 2). Focus on your character's stamina, block, dodge and parry stats. Stamina should take precedence over everything else, but you must build up your block, dodge and parry, too. The best way to add stamina, dodge, block and parry to your gear is through enchants, gems and reforging. After you reach a combined 102.4 percent avoidance, do not focus on obtaining more block, parry or dodge.
- 3). Acquire 26 points in expertise. Expertise decreases the chance that your enemy will dodge or parry your melee attacks. Do not add points beyond 26, because you will not gain additional bonuses.
- 4). Purchase the Hammer of the Righteous, Seal of Truth and Shield of the Righteous Prime glyphs. Those three glyphs strengthen the paladin's tanking abilities and spells. Do not substitute other Prime glyphs in favor of those three.
- 5). Purchase the Holy Wrath and Lay on Hands Major glyphs. You can choose Focused Shield or Dazing Shield as the third major glyph. Focused Shield results in Avenger's Shield hitting two fewer targets, but doing 30 percent more damage than normal. Dazing Shield results in Avenger's Shield dazing each target it hits. Focused Shield deals more upfront damage, but Dazing Shield allows you to deal more damage to the targets before they deal damage to you. It's more of a personal choice.
- 6). Open a multiple target fight by using the Hammer of the Righteous. Each target will incur damage from the attack. Immediately cast Consecration and Holy Wrath, followed by Avenger's Shield. Unless you choose the Focused Shield glyph, the shield will skip to additional targets. Attack with Shield of the Righteous and then cast your Judgment. Once you cast your Judgment, repeat the process by starting with Hammer of the Righteousness.
- 7). Begin a single target fight by casting Avenger's Shield. The shield generates a lot of aggro, keeping the target focused on you at the beginning of the fight. Attack with Crusader's Strike, followed by your Judgment. Cast Hammer of the Righteous and then start over with Avenger's Shield. If you're fighting a boss, it's ideal to cast Consecration and Holy Wrath before starting over with Avenger's Shield.