Is Your Appearance Important on Dates?
So, what is the reason behind this? The reason is that women and men both want to date others who are attractive.
This does not mean that you have to buy designer clothes, get a new hairstyle, or even wear a fancy cologne or perfume.
What it does mean is that you must put forth some effort into your appearance for a date because you want your date to know you care.
Dates are special and every aspect of your appearance and personality will be considered by the other person.
As a result, it is important for you to do your best to impress that individual.
This does not mean being someone you are not.
It does mean putting forth a little bit of extra effort.
This means you should bathe, shave, style your hair, wear clean, pressed clothes, and just try and make the real you look as pleasing as possible.
Doing this is not a cop out or changing who you really are.
It is simply showing the other individual that you care about the date and their impression of you.
So, if you have been showing up on first dates with wild hair, unshaved, in wrinkled or dirty clothes, no makeup, or simply looking unkempt you might consider giving these suggestions a go.
The worst thing that will happen is that your success rate won't change at all.
But, more than likely, if you look good you will feel good and your date will perceive this and give you another date!