Tips on Hunting Whitetail Bucks in Light Rain
- One of the most important factors in an enjoyable and successful hunt is being prepared for the weather. To be prepared is mental but once you decide you are going to hunt in the rain, even if it is light rain, you need the right gear.
You should get a wide-brimmed waterproof hat to keep your head dry and to give you room to shoot. You will also need a breathable waterproof jacket or bib. Most importantly you need slip proof boots because mud and water often cause slips and falls off of tree stands. Either way you need to walk and climb carefully.
Use anti-moisture agents to prevent rust on your gun or bow. Even a short amount of time in the rain can ruin your weapon. - When it rains it is going to be considerably darker than on a sunny day, especially in the early and latter parts of the day. Because of this you will need to accept that will have some limitations. You will need to wait for a closer shot, especially if you are bow hunting Whitetail bucks in the rain.
Don't wait too long to follow blood trail. The rain will wash away the trial some and the darkness will make it harder to see. If you're bow hunting use lighted arrows to help you find the bucks. - Bucks are also going to bed down or stay put on days like these so stalking them in the heavy brush is worth a shot. The noise of the rain will cover some of your noise and the rain will cover some of your scent.
- Hunting whitetail bucks in the rain is going to be more dangerous than in dry weather. Getting into a stand can cause more danger and if you're not wearing orange blaze which is often not required in bow season, you may be more likely to be in danger. Light rain can also turn into heavy rain or even a severe thunderstorm. Having a hunting buddy in this case will keep you safer and may be more fun.
The Right Gear
The Darkness
Take a Buddy