Treatment For Anxiety Attacks - Cut the Fuel Supply & Prevent Attacks!
Any treatment for anxiety attacks has to achieve 2 things; prevent anxiety attacks from occurring ever again, and cure the underlying general anxiety.
If the general anxiety isn't cured then you are almost certain to continue to suffer more attacks.
If you can't cure the anxiety attacks then it's very difficult to deal with the underlying anxiety.
Someone with general anxiety, having suffered an anxiety attack, is quite naturally very frightened of having another one.
And, because their daily anxiety levels are higher than normal, this fear of having more anxiety attacks can actually cause them to happen.
Just the 'fear' of another attack actually becomes the "fuel" for an attack.
So it's vital to cut that fuel supply, i.
eliminate the fear factor.
Let's look at some popular treatment options for anxiety and anxiety attacks...
Prescription Medicines This is usually your first line treatment.
The most prescribed seem to be minor tranquilizers, anti-depressants and beta blockers.
Minor tranquilizers help to relax you and calm you down.
Many are fairly quick acting and are particularly useful during an anxiety attack.
Anti-depressants work on lifting your mood by increasing serotonin levels in the brain.
These tend to work over the longer term.
Beta blockers are normally used to eliminate the physical symptoms of anxiety like shaking and tremors.
They all have varying negative side effects.
These are things like fatigue, agitation, diarrhea, nausea, short term memory loss, disorientation and even dependency problems.
Note: Your doctor will explain the side effects of each particular drug to you.
If you're already on drugs for anxiety do not stop them without first talking to your doctor.
Complimentary Therapies These are treatments like counselling, psychotherapy, hypnosis, etc.
The 'talking' therapies basically teach you how to 'manage' your disorder by, for example, changing your negative thoughts into positive thoughts and actions.
They are normally longer term treatments.
Self-help Treatment for Anxiety Attacks These are things like self-hypnosis, meditation, aerobic exercises, yoga, joining self-help groups and so on.
A sufferer needs to be very single-minded to achieve any success with these tactics.
But once again they are coping techniques rather than cures.
They aren't really getting to the bottom of things.
Do These Treatments Eliminate the Fear of Other Anxiety Attacks? Well, according to Joe Barry (see below) they don't.
These treatments for anxiety attacks and anxiety, either work on the symptoms, or, manage the disorder.
And without cutting the fuel supply, a cure for anxiety can be very difficult and prolonged, with more anxiety attacks along the way.
But more attacks mean more anxiety, more anxiety means more attacks.
So you are trapped in the cycle of anxiety.
The vital treatment step is to get rid of the fear factor first (cut the fuel supply), in order to prevent further attacks, then work on the cure for general anxiety much more effectively and confidently.
If the general anxiety isn't cured then you are almost certain to continue to suffer more attacks.
If you can't cure the anxiety attacks then it's very difficult to deal with the underlying anxiety.
Someone with general anxiety, having suffered an anxiety attack, is quite naturally very frightened of having another one.
And, because their daily anxiety levels are higher than normal, this fear of having more anxiety attacks can actually cause them to happen.
Just the 'fear' of another attack actually becomes the "fuel" for an attack.
So it's vital to cut that fuel supply, i.
eliminate the fear factor.
Let's look at some popular treatment options for anxiety and anxiety attacks...
Prescription Medicines This is usually your first line treatment.
The most prescribed seem to be minor tranquilizers, anti-depressants and beta blockers.
Minor tranquilizers help to relax you and calm you down.
Many are fairly quick acting and are particularly useful during an anxiety attack.
Anti-depressants work on lifting your mood by increasing serotonin levels in the brain.
These tend to work over the longer term.
Beta blockers are normally used to eliminate the physical symptoms of anxiety like shaking and tremors.
They all have varying negative side effects.
These are things like fatigue, agitation, diarrhea, nausea, short term memory loss, disorientation and even dependency problems.
Note: Your doctor will explain the side effects of each particular drug to you.
If you're already on drugs for anxiety do not stop them without first talking to your doctor.
Complimentary Therapies These are treatments like counselling, psychotherapy, hypnosis, etc.
The 'talking' therapies basically teach you how to 'manage' your disorder by, for example, changing your negative thoughts into positive thoughts and actions.
They are normally longer term treatments.
Self-help Treatment for Anxiety Attacks These are things like self-hypnosis, meditation, aerobic exercises, yoga, joining self-help groups and so on.
A sufferer needs to be very single-minded to achieve any success with these tactics.
But once again they are coping techniques rather than cures.
They aren't really getting to the bottom of things.
Do These Treatments Eliminate the Fear of Other Anxiety Attacks? Well, according to Joe Barry (see below) they don't.
These treatments for anxiety attacks and anxiety, either work on the symptoms, or, manage the disorder.
And without cutting the fuel supply, a cure for anxiety can be very difficult and prolonged, with more anxiety attacks along the way.
But more attacks mean more anxiety, more anxiety means more attacks.
So you are trapped in the cycle of anxiety.
The vital treatment step is to get rid of the fear factor first (cut the fuel supply), in order to prevent further attacks, then work on the cure for general anxiety much more effectively and confidently.