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Apple : Technology

How Can I Unlock a Disabled Gen 1 iPod Touch?

The First Generation iPod Touch portable media player was released in September 2007. The device allows you to create a passcode to lock it and prevent unauthorized use. If you enter the wrong passcode too many times, however, the iPod Touch goes into a disabled mode, preventing you from logging in

How to Restore an iPod in Recovery Mode

Occasionally, the iPod's internal software may crash and enter recovery mode. You cannot use the iPod while it's in this mode, as it will lock up and simply display an error symbol on its screen. The only way to bring it out of recovery mode is to restore it. Thankfully, the iTunes software has auto

How to Put a DVD Onto a Video iPod

The iPod can be a great tool for passing time while in a waiting room or traveling, and the ability to watch movies makes it even more desirable. Today more and more DVDs are coming with a free digital download to allow the consumer to load it onto their iTunes and iPod. Additionally iTunes makes

How to Replace an iPhone 4 Battery

The iPhone 4 provides HD video recording, 3G Internet access and a GPS navigation system. The previous versions of the iPhone made it very difficult for the user to replace the phone battery themselves. The company redesigned the iPhone 4 to make replacing the battery much easier for consumers. Now

How to Get a Signature on an iPhone

Your iPhone comes set with a default email signature that reads "Sent from my iPhone." While some might appreciate the status that the notification gives about their being tech savvy, you can change the signature so that it's less telling. Leaving the message intact can alert those you email that yo

How to Send Applications From My iPhone to iTunes

The iPhone can download and install a variety of free and paid applications from Apple's App Store. You can download the applications directly over a cellular data or Wi-Fi network. If you need to, you can also send the applications you have previously downloaded to the iTunes program on your comput

Installing Mac OS X Lion Server

Installing OS X Lion Server is a pretty straightforward task, but there are some pre-installation housekeeping chores that you must perform. If you don't prepare correctly, your Lion Server installation may have problems down the road.


A worm is a form of malware, or malicious software. A worm is similar to a virus, but unlike a virus, it doesn't need any help from humans to spread. It can spread from computer to computer on its own volition.

Problems Restoring an iTouch

Application conflicts or corrupt firmware are a hassle when attempting to use your iTouch, or iPod Touch, as they result in frequent crashing and unresponsiveness. Although the iTouch has a restore feature in its general preferences, it may not be accessible if the device constantly locks up during

How to Put Downloaded Apps on My iPhone

When you purchase an application using your iPhone, it downloads directly to the device. Sometimes, though, you may download apps to your computer. In this case, you must sync your smartphone with your computer in order to transfer the apps over to the iPhone. You can do this in iTunes, in the same

Restrictions on Jailbreaking an iPhone

Jailbreaking is a procedure that allows an iPhone to run unofficial third-party applications not authorized by Apple. The phone can utilize otherwise blocked features and be customized to a greater degree but jailbreaking does involve risks.

How to Load an iPod From Media Player

By default, Windows Media Player cannot work with Apple iPods, as they are products from two different companies. However, there is a third-party program that eliminates incompatibility between the two devices and allows loading and synchronization of your music library. MGTEK dopisp is a program by

How to Make iPhone 4 Wallpaper

While the iPhone provides a few standard photos for wallpaper, you may prefer to create your own images using photos that better reflect your individual interests, giving you a more personalized experience. To create a wallpaper, you must first find a photo that you want to use, then set the photo a

How to Import an MP4 to an iPod Touch

Video files must be encoded in the MP4 format for native compatibility with the iPod touch, which can then display them through its multimedia playback application. Any videos downloaded from the online iTunes Store are in the MP4 format, and your own library of MP4 videos can be transferred to the