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Apple : Technology

How to Put Movies on an iPod Nano G3

By default, the third generation iPod Nano is set to sync movies automatically when you connect it to your PC. According to the device's user guide, "this is the simplest way to add videos to iPod nano." If iTunes isn't configured properly, your Nano will not sync videos. Once you have set up the fe

How to Mirror an iPod

In the crowded marketplace of the Apple iTunes Store, one genre of app that is available is the mirror app. These programs use the hardware already in your device (such as the camera and high-res screen) and turn your device into a mirror. With a short trip into the iTunes Store, you can download an

How to Download Movies to an iPod With Video

Movie files that are stored on your computer can be transferred to your video-capable iPod as long as the video is in a supported format, which includes the standard MP4 format, MOV files from QuickTime as well as the iTunes-specific M4V. The iPod synchronizes media stored in your iTunes library, wh

How to Move the iPhone 3G Start Menu

The iPhone 3G's start menu can be customized to suit your needs and preferences. The start menu contains icons for messages, photos and notes. You can rearrange the start menu to move the icons of applications you use the most to the forefront for easy access. The iPhone's icons can be moved around

How to Make a CD Song List From an iTunes Playlist

Using the song list of your iTunes playlist can save you time usually spent writing out the artist and track name details for each song on a CD. Using the song list from your playlist in iTunes can be a time-saver, but can be difficult for a new user. You can also burn a CD directly from your playli

How to Use NetDrive With the iPhone

The software application NetDrive, by MacroData, allows users of Windows computers to manage remote folders as if they were local. You can simply mount the folders, and then drag-and-drop using Windows Explorer to transfer and manage files. NetDrive uses a protocol called WebDav layered over Interne

How to Copy WMA to an iPod

There was a time when files produced on Microsoft systems, including Windows Media Audio (WMA) format files, could not be recognized on Apple hardware because the two systems were incompatible. Thankfully that is not a problem for Apple iPod users today, since computer companies have made improvemen

How to Add a Lock to Settings

Adding a lock to the security settings on your mobile phone will prevent prying eyes from rambling through your phone content and make it less susceptible to thieves. Most cell phones come with the ability to enable the lock feature manually or after the device have been unused after a certain amoun

How to Ping Your iPhone

If you own an iPhone and you'd like to use it for testing and troubleshooting network issues on a local area network (LAN), install a network ping app from the iTunes App Store. Pinging your iPhone tells you how fast packets are traveling from your IP address to a server, then back to your iPhone. A

How to Set Up WiFi on an iTouch

The Apple iPod Touch (or iTouch) is a portable entertainment device that allows you to listen to music, play games, watch videos and access the Internet via WiFi. The iTouch can automatically detect any WiFi connections in the area. Once you are connected, you may access the Internet, and the connec

Snow Leopard: Column View Sorting

If you use the Finder's column view, you'll appreciate the new option to designate the sorting order. Snow Leopard's new Finder lets you sort by name, date modified, date created, size, kind, or label. But as much as I like the new sorting options, column view still lacks the option t

How to Sign Into Hotmail on iPhone

You can access your Hotmail account from your iPhone's browser or an application. An active data connection is required to sign into your account from the phone. A Wi-Fi connection may also be used to establish a connection. Hotmail email messages are also accessible through the use of the iPhone's

How to Open a 4th Generation iPod Nano

The fourth generation iPod Nano is a portable, compact and highly sophisticated media player. Disassembling it allows you to replace a failed battery or fix a loose headphone plug, but it can't be taken apart as thoroughly as other models because of the way the electronics are soldered together. All

My iPod Touch Battery Won't Hold a Charge

The iPod Touch seems to makes the time go by faster with all that it has to offer. Whether you'd like to check your email, download some apps or listen to music, you can do it all with this device. However, it can be a problem when it won't hold a charge for as long as you would like it to. There ar

How to Become a Sony Authorized Reseller

The Sony Corporation, headquartered in Japan, is a global manufacturer of electronics, audio and video equipment, communications and information technology for both the consumer and business-to-business markets. Sony holds a large stake in the entertainment industry including motion picture, televis

How to Put Music on an iPod Shuffle2 Without iTunes

Apple might only officially sanction iTunes as the link between your computer and your iPod, but there are alternative programs that can perform similar functions. Whether out of necessity or preference, choosing a third-party music transferring program is an option for almost any user. iPod Shuff

What It Means When Your iPod Keeps Flashing Off

If your iPod flashes off and won't turn on again, it's out of battery. Other reasons for flashing off include software glitches and corrupted files. Apple offers a number of steps to try to fix this type of problem. If they don't work, it's possible that your iPod is damaged or faulty, in which case

How to Add a File to iPhone Mail

The free "Mail" app that comes installed on Apple's iPhone only lets you attach photos and videos shot with the iPhone's two built-in cameras or that you transfer from your computer to the phone via Apple's free iTunes application on your computer. If you want to attach other types of files, such as