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Divorce & marriage Law : Law & Legal & Attorney
You Need a Second Opinion
Second opinions are not limited to medicine. Clients can seek second opinions in legal matters, too. Apart from choosing the wrong lawyer, a common mistake is for a client who is not receiving good representation to blindly continue down the path that is not working. This article will tell you when
How to Pay for Debt Without Acknowledging It as Yours
Considering paying off debt of a family member or a friend is not a course to be taken lightly. Taking on debt of another individual places an additional burden on your own finances. Moreover, by starting the process of satisfying debt owed by someone else, you face potential exposure of being held
How Divorce Solicitors Can Actually Make the Process Less Stressful
When it comes to divorce people often think that involving professional legal representation is an unnecessary step which will only make things more complicated. A lot of people also think that professional divorce solicitors will make an agreement more difficult to achieve. This view often leads to
Hoping to Adopt? Four Adoption Methods to Discuss With Your Family Law Attorney
If you are hoping to adopt this year, there are a variety of methods to think about. Here are some to discuss with your family law attorney.
Strategies for Legal Separation
A legal separation is a status where a married couple remains legally married but has obtained a court order dictating the terms of the separate legal affairs of both partners. A legal separation is recognized in all but a handful of states: Delaware, Georgia, Florida, Texas, Louisiana, Pennsylvania
Wills and Trusts Overview
When you die, one of two things will happen. If you have a Will, the distribution of your property, or your probate estate, is ordered under the terms that you have set. If you do not have a Will, your property is then distributed according to the state law of intestacy.
RI Child Visitation - The Annual Feud Over Christmas Visitation
In Rhode Island Child Custody, Visitation and Divorce cases there are often feuds over who will get the minor child or children for important holidays. These battles have gone on in different shapes and forms for time immemorial The general rule in Rhode Island family Court is that the parties must
Emancipation in Texas
Until a child is 18 years old, he or she is considered a minor and is therefore under the control of either his or her parents or legal guardian(s). In some cases the child can speed up the process of becoming an adult by petitioning for emancipation as early as age 16 in many states across the nati
Teenagers Rights in Parents Divorce
Divorce takes its toll on any family. Teenagers have unique needs during a divorce process. There are also some rights afforded teenagers during the course of their parents' divorce. If you are the parent of a teen, familiarize yourself with the rights and interests of your child in regard to your d
How to Restart the Divorce Process in Michigan With Kids
If you filed for divorce but did not complete the process, you may restart it at a later time. In Michigan, to restart a divorce with children, you will need to gather information and possibly file more paperwork with the court. With some preparation, you may be successful at restarting your divorce
How to Divorce My Wife With Children That Are Not Mine
Children often blame themselves when their parents divorce, so it is important to talk to your children and let them know that they play no role in your marital problems and that your divorce does not change your love for them. Even though you will have no legal obligation to your stepchildren, try
Types of Settlement in Divorce Actions
Divorce cases represent some of the most emotional and challenging of all legal actions. Because of the nature of divorce cases, public policy and individual judges encourage parties to try to settle as many issues as possible to avoid the drama of a trial. There are a number of types of...
A 3-Step Guide to Make Sure You Have the Best Divorce Lawyer at Your Side
The legal procedure involved in divorce cases is very complex because the laws have been made in a way to decrease the divorce rate in the country. Therefore, it is important for you to hire the best divorce lawyer who understands your case and is well aware of how to deal with the same in the light
5 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Divorce Lawyer
A good consumer knows that he or she always has a choice when contracting for a service. This is just as true for those looking for lawyers as looking for any kind of tradesman.
Guernsey Divorce Law
The Channel Islands are comprised of two jurisdictions, Jersey and Guernsey. Guernsey law has a standardized system for divorce trial proceedings.
California Uncontested Divorce Information
Couples wishing to file for divorce in California have several options, depending on their assets, debt, whether or not there are minor children involved, and other factors. Uncontested divorce is by far the simplest and least expensive option, and for this reason California residents should take th
How to Appeal Divorce Decrees in Pennsylvania
When it comes to divorce procedures, Pennsylvania is a state that is extremely anal with the process of filing paperwork. During the process of filing, receiving, sending, and replying, there comes a time when you can appeal the divorce decree in order to go to trial. This is actually a simple task,
Residency Rules for Filing for Divorce in Ohio
Ending a marriagering image by Jens Klingebiel from Fotolia.comThe residency rules for Ohio divorce filings are typical of most states in the United States. A person has to have lived in Ohio for a certain amount of time in order to be able to file for a divorce in any county of the...
How to Distribute Funds in an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) In a Divorce Without Tax Penalties
QDRO forms, also known as qualified domestic relations orders, are legal forms used for the division of qualified retirement accounts in connection with judgments of divorce. Because pensions and other retirement plans are frequently among the most valuable assets of divorcing couple, many divorces
Legal Questions on Divorce
Divorce laws are similar across the United States.c..."ur bris?? image by Ellsing from Fotolia.comIf you are considering ending your marriage, a variety of questions likely come to mind. Part of the preparation for dissolving a marriage case is understanding some of basic legal questions...