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History : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Fort Sumter Captured

The Civil War saw Union and Confederate forces clash between 1861-1865. This gallery includes a variety of pictures from the Civil War showing battlefields and notable locations. The Civil War was the first American conflict to be photographed extensively. This photo shows the ruins of Fort Sumter.

Oswiecim Definition

A definition of the term Oswiecim, from the Holocaust Glossary.

What is Pan-Africanism?

How has Pan-Africanism developed over the last couple of centuries into a socio-political movement?

What Caused the Civil War?

The American Civil War was the result of a variety of causes ranging from slavery and states rights to industrialization and societal change. These causes of the Civil War when combined with the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 touched off secession and hostilities. Page 2.

The Story of Chiomara

The story of Chiomara, the famous Galatian woman who got the best of her rapist.

Eastern Aegean

Greece at the Time of the War with Persia, 500-479 B.C.

Islamic Arabic Art

From its arrival among Arabian peninsula tribes in the seventh century A.D. through the fall of Spanish lands to Christian rule in the late 15th century, Islamic culture contributed mightily to Arabian architecture, fine arts, calligraphy and music, leaving an imprint that is still felt today.

The Showa Era in Japan

Learn more about the Showa Era in Japanese history, which corresponds with the lengthy reign of Emperor Hirohito (1926 - 1989).

Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Inspiring Life

Life of the leader of the Civil Rights Movement, who espoused non-violent protest against segregation, won the Nobel Peace Prize, and was assassinated in 1968.


Glossary entry on the Greek personification of death known as Thanatos.