Rules for Electric Mopeds in Florida

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Government & administrative Law : Law & Legal & Attorney

Information on Legal Separation in California

California allows for legal separation as an alternative for divorce. The proceeding is similar to a divorce, as a court will still divide marital property, may award spousal support, and must award custody and child support if the couple has any children. The only difference is that with legal sepa

How to End a Guardianship

A guardianship is established to protect either a minor child or a disabled adult (the "ward"). If the legal reason for maintaining the guardianship ends, the guardian must terminate the guardianship. Failure to do so promptly may expose the guardian to unnecessary liability. The process, however, i

Illinois Towing Laws

Illinois state law provides police officers the right to have vehicles towed and impounded if they believe the owner has abandoned the vehicle or if the owner is found to be driving under the influence.

Georgia State Medical Practice Act

The Georgia Medical Practices Act of 2009 (GMPA) is the collection of laws that governs how medical care can be administered in the state. These laws cover a wide range of issues, ranging from expressly providing for patient's rights to setting standards for who can be a licensed physician. The GMPA

Benefits in Louisiana for a Child of a Deceased Parent

In Louisiana, children benefit from what their deceased father had in terms of trusts, successions, insurance benefits, old age and disability benefits or social security survivors' benefits. These are paid to the family if the deceased was working. This money enables the bereaved children to contin

DOMA: Florida Laws on Protecting Marriage

DOMA Florida StyleFlorida state contour with Capital City against blurred USA flag image by Stasys Eidiejus from Fotolia.comThe Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was born in the United States Congress in 1996 and at its inception was a federal law. Under its terms, same-sex marriages are not...

Fifth Wheel Trailer Law in Texas

A fifth wheel is a travel camper that hitches to the pickup from a coupler in the bed of the pickup. Fifth wheels in Texas cannot be over 400 square feet. Texas has laws regarding towing fifth wheels.

What To look In Labor Law Poster

Every organization and employer is responsible to place labor law poster on their working place. Most of the time it happens that employer put up these posters all over their work place, but the worke

Choosing the Right Tampa Divorce Lawyer

Divorces are messy, extensive and exhausting. Hiring a divorce lawyer can relieve some of those burdens. But, when choosing the right divorce lawyer, it is important to take multiple things into consi

ID thieves keep lurking, learn how to protect yourself

Every year nearly 15 million Americans become victims of Id theft. Identity theft is now the number one consumer complaint made to the Federal Trade Commission. Studies indicate that over $900 and one hundred and ...

Legal Strategies for a Divorce

Going through a divorce can be a long and emotional process. Being educated, organized, alert and prepared will help you stay strong during this difficult time. Consult lawyers and divorced friends for both emotional support and for strategies to receive what you deserve from the divorce settlement

EPA Certification for CFC Recovery

The Environmental Protection Agency certification for chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) recovery was implemented to ensure that technicians understand how to properly handle and dispose of refrigerant or air conditioning equipment. The EPA wants to make sure the technicians are informed regarding the regula

How to Apply for Oregon Welfare Benefits

Oregon's welfare program is called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and is intended to help low-income families. According to the Oregon's Department of Human Services, you must have few assets and little income in order to qualify for welfare benefits. A three-person family has a maxi

Things That Can Encourage Someone To Become A Lawyer

Lots of people try to be a attorney for a few different aspects. Some people look at it as being a decent practice protecting the law and keeping the law while some see that becoming ...

USDA Food Distribution Reporting Requirements

Food packages are distributed to the neediest families.Monkey Business Images Ltd/Valueline/Getty ImagesThe United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has food distribution programs that apply standards for reporting the quantities of food shared. Food program subsidiaries of USDA...

State Laws of Connecticut on Used Cars

Connecticut used car lawscar and us flag image by Jose from Fotolia.comWhile the state of Connecticut was the first state in the nation to introduce "lemon laws" to provide consumers with protection and recourse in the case of defective automobile purchases, the state's lemon laws do not...

Ohio Snow Chain Laws

Ohio's state code lists regulations for the use of snow chains in the state. Ohio drivers should familiarize themselves with state law before placing chains on their vehicle.

Types of Civil Court Records

If you are searching through civil court records, you will not find anything about a person's criminal history. Civil courts do not handle criminal matters. If you do an online records search for civil court ...