Facts About Quit Smoking Patches

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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

Quit Smoking - 200 Reasons And Counting

Since 2009 I have published 200 articles on the topic of quitting smoking. When I started there was no way I could have imagined finding 200 reasons to quit smoking. The fact that I have found 200 topics about stopping cigarettes in itself, tells a powerful story. That there are so many reasons to s

Early Signs Of Alcohol Abuse

Catching the early signs of alcohol abuse can prevent the problem all together. Learn the early signs of alcohol abuse and how to prevent the problem of abuse through education.

Health Risk of Smoking

Many chronic disorders such as heart diseases, lung cancer, weakening of the immune system and impairment of vision among many other ailments are caused by smoking. Smokers are also at an increased rate of heart attack and heart disease which holds the top slot in the list of diseases that kill them

How Many People Have to Die From Addiction Before the FDA Takes Action?

The "King of Pop" Michael Jackson is dead at only 50, joining many other celebrities and thousands of ordinary people whose untimely deaths associated with painkillers like OxyContin could have been avoided by a timely medical drug detox. What is it going to take for the FDA to end the pre

Doubts About The Drug From Pfizer For Smoking Cessation

Chantix, the first drug designed to combat smoking, is under the shadow of a doubt. A group of scientists from Johns Hopkins, U.S., yesterday published a study linking varenicline (Chantix the active ingredient) with an ...

Current Issues on Handling Hazardous Drugs

There are so many evidences regarding the continued exposure of hazardous drugs that have potential to cause immediate and long term negative effects on our lives. However, people working in pharmaceutical industries, are much more vulnerable to their harmful effects. This article contains a discuss

January 30

Recovery Thought of the Day for January 1.