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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical
What is Ayahuasca?
Ayahuasca is an obscure, naturally occurring hallucinogenic substance, traditionally brewed in a tea. In recent years, it has become the subject of drug tourism.
Stop Smoking During Pregnancy
If your spouse is a smoker, it is imperative that she give up cigarettes, at least while she is carrying the baby.Here is a list of the ways in which smoking harms the unborn baby...
3 Ways NOT to Kill Yourself
Processed food is exactly what it is called. No food should be created by man, and chemicals. Organic food, are limited. People don't have enough money to buy organic food, so it much easier to buy junk food. Maybe this will inspire you.
E-cigarettes - Not What Your Parents Were Smoking
The cigarettes that your parents, grandparents, and even great grandparents smoked are definitely not the same cigarettes that are being smoked today.
Alcohol Treatment Centers - The Solution to a Major Problem
Not only do alcohol abuse and alcoholism endanger the people who suffer from them, but it also endangers families and entire neighborhoods and communities. Alcoholism and alcohol abuse are issues of much concern in the US. The number of people affected by alcohol abuse has increased during the time
Top 10 Tips To Quit Smoking
If you are thinking of quitting smoking I want you to know that it is possible. I haven't smoked for 5 years now and there is no way I'm going back. Please offer me a million dollars to have one cigarette (I will not accept).If you want to quit smoking, as a committed ex smoker, here are m
Different Types of Drug Rehabilitation Programs
If you are going for Drug Rehabilitation Massachusetts then you must be aware of different programs that are offered by the drug rehab center. There are different drug rehab center which offers rehab programs for the drugs and alcohol addicts. The reason for this is that maximum numbers of people wh
Tara Treatment Center of Franklin IN
Substance abuse treatment services offered by Tara Treatment Center of Franklin IN
State Line Medical of Phillipsburg NJ
Mental health and substance abuse services offered by State Line Medical of Phillipsburg NJ
Stanislaus County Dept of Behavioral Health
Substances abuse services offered by Stanislaus County Dept of Behavioral Health.
Addictions - Natural Homeopathic Treatments
Addictions, it seems like we all have one or two addictions that we would like to quit! It could be just overeating, or a dependency on caffeine, or something more detrimental to your health and well being such as an addiction to nicotine or even cocaine or heroin. No matter what you are addicted to
Tim Huddleston Regional Recovery Center of San Diego CA
Substance abuse services offered by Tim Huddleston Regional Recovery Center of San Diego CA.
Secondhand Smoke: Damage in Mere Minutes
A new study shows that brief secondhand smoke exposure causes blood vessel injury in healthy young adults and interferes with the activity of the cells that help repair such damage.
Best Way to Stop Smoking Cigarettes
Best way to stop smoking..find out the best way to stop smoking. Find out how to give up smoking in 12 weeks.
About Drug Addiction
It is helpful and beneficial to drug addicts and their family members to help their loved ones with an experienced treatment options. In order to do that one should gain detailed knowledge on the latest treatment methods and approaches of experienced drug addiction professionals.
10 Ways to Quit Smoking - How to Kick the Cigarette Habit
In this article, I'm going to outline 10 ways to quit smoking. You'll probably use a combination of two or more of these ways, but I think the list will be helpful.
Angry, Low Control Men Should Not Drink
A person's inability to control the outward expression of their anger plays a key role in alcohol-related aggression.
Reasons to Quit Smoking
You know that smoking is bad for your health, and you're trying to quit, but did you know there are lots of reasons to quit smoking? Besides reducing your risk of heart disease, you can ...
High Focus Centers of Paramus NJ
Mental health and substance abuse services offered by High Focus Centers of Paramus NJ
Quit Smoking and Improve Your Overall Health and Beauty
If you are serious about improving your overall health and beauty, then you will want to know how you can quit smoking once and for all. So many people try to quit smoking each year and fail in doing so. It is not that you can't quit smoking or that it is too difficult. The people that fail at