Sundowning Syndrome Among the Elderly - More Than Just Depression

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Health Care : Health & Medical

Aloe Vera - The Natural Skin Care

The aloe vera plant offers many great benefits for your health. Find out how to take the at most advantage of the healing qualities of aloe vera and in that same process, improve your skin and look and feel healthier.

Blood Donation

Are the work ethics of employees there in 9 to 5 job? Do they just wait till the time is up? A recent trip to the blood bank proves remarkable.

Benefits of Triphala

Trifala is a potent Rasayan which ensures bio cleansing and detoxification of the body, ensuring a blissful long life. It is a great tonic, rejuvenator, rich source of anti- oxidant blood purifier, and bowel regulator. It promotes appetite, aids digestion, increases RBC's, raises hemoglobin, ch

Do You Have a Problem With Restless Legs Syndrome?

You have had a busy day you are mentally and physically drained, you make yourself a cup of hot milk to relax you and slide into a warm relaxing bed, but your legs, won't let you relax they feel like dancing. What is going on? Well unfortunately you are among 5 per cent of the population that s

Breathe Easier at Home

If you have trouble breathing and find that certain things or certain days make it worse you may be able to control your environment and make the symptoms minimal. There are things that you cannot control such as the chemicals that may have been inhaled while you work.

About Brachytherapy

Brachytherapy is one type of radiation therapy used to treat cancers in the prostate, rectum, uterus, vagina, cervix, gallbladder, lung, esophagus, breast, skin, eye, head and neck. This method of cancer treatment has now been used for more than a century, according to the American Brachytherapy Soc

Q & A - Germs

Everybody is aware that the spread of germs is responsible for the spread of disease. Many people take precautions when using public restrooms, preparing raw meat, and dealing with dirty garbage. However, these aren't the only things that harbor germs. This article answers all your questions ab

Head Lice Facts - An Amazing Look at the Life Cycle of the Louse

The few head lice facts most of us know of is that these tiny creatures have the ability to completely take over an entire household in just a few weeks time, and once this happens, they are incredibly difficult to remove, although certainly not impossible. The head louse, or Pediculus humanis capit

Senior Living Options Simplified

If your health or housing needs have changed, you may be considering moving to a senior residence.But how do you know which housing option is best?This is an easy guide to some of the common types of senior living options.Costs vary according to location, size of the apartment, whether it is private

Elder Abuse - How To Report It And Prevent It

Elders are usually considered as a burden to the society. People resort to abusing since they are unable to adjust to the needs of elderly people that include personal assistance and medical care. Seniors can be abused by family members, relatives, staff of a day-care center and even a hired care ta

Why Your Company Needs a Healthcare Reporting Software?

Healthcare reporting software is an invaluable and indispensable tool that every company heavily engaged in the healthcare industry should be using on an administrative and operational level. There are immense benefits of using it.

Pleasure With Dining Services

When touring a prospective community, keep these points in mind: Ask to take a tour during mealtime. This will tell you a lot about the facility...

How to Learn CPT & ICD Codes

Possessing strong coding skills will allow you to work in any discipline of the health-care system. Learning CPT (current procedural terminology) and ICD-9 (international classification of diseases) codes is the key component to medical billing/coding.

Taking Care of an Aging Parent

Taking Care of an Aging Parent Taking care of an aging parent can be a rewarding, joyful experience, as well as a trying, stressful one. It helps to remember mixed feelings are normal. Caregiving often comes at either our busiest time of life, or at a time of life when we thought we would have more

What Does The Medical Diagnosis Really Mean?

http://www.homehelpersct.comIn Fairfield County, Providing overnight / 24-hr assistance to your loved one. Also provides tuck-in service, ensuring loved one is safe each evening, morning assistance program available, too.Home visits, needs assessment, errands, grocery shop, proper feeding, meal prep

What to Expect at a Physical

Doctors recommend a physical at least once a year in order to maintain good health. The tests that are performed at this appointment are fairly standard. Here's what you can expect at your next physical examination.

At What Age Are Ducklings Old Enough to Be Away From Their Mom?

Ducks are semi-aquatic birds. A number of duck species are migratory, breeding in the northern hemisphere when temperature conditions are suitable and flying south for warmer climates in the winter. This means in the right areas ducklings can be seen at around the same time each year before leaving