Chickenpox - The childhood dismay

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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical

Generic Zantac Helps in Reducing Acidity Issue

Generic Zantac (Ranitidine) is a medicine which is used for various stomach related issues such as acidity, ulcer, etc. This is a histamine-2 receptor antagonist, which works by reducing the productio

5 Of The Worst Diseases

Some conditions although medication and management options do exist, can also take ones life or make it very unbearable. Here are the most common diseases viewed as extremely serious internationally in no particular order.

Rosacea Diagnosis and Treatment

Rosacea is a common inflammatory condition of the skin of the face that causes redness that looks like a flush or blush. Rosacea most often affects those aged 30 to 60, especially those with fair skin

Why Systemic Yeast Infection Can Be Dangerous

Systemic yeast infection can allow yeast, partially digested and undigested food to enter the blood stream and be carried around the body. This can potentially cause infections in our organs and all over the body.

Cervical Herniated Disc - Treatment Options

There are 2 main reasons why a cervical herniated disc is not as common as a herniated lumbar disc, they are: firstly, there is not much disc material located in the cervical spine and secondly, there

Cure Tennis Elbow - Ice Or Heat Treatment?

Tennis elbow is a very painful and very stubborn repetitive strain injury to get and also overcome. When you pull or strain a muscle it is most probably going to swell and inflame and also ...

Removing Tonsil Stones—Should You Do It?

Millions of people live with tonsil stones and never even notice that they have them. The only time that removing tonsil stones are even considered is if the tonsil stones are bothering the individual

Charcot Marie Tooth Support

CMT or Charcot-Marie-Tooth disorder is regarded as the basic inherited neurologic illness affecting one in 2,000 people throughout the world. It's just as common as multiple sclerosis or amyo

Symptoms and Treatment of Lymphedema

Lymphedema occurs when a block in the lymphatic system, a crucial part of the circulatory and immune system, causes swelling in one arm or one leg, although sometimes both arms or legs are affected. Fluid ...

Remedies for Hay Fever

Today we will be looking at some natural remedies for hay fever. I know this problem all too well as I have suffered from hay fever most of my life.

Know More About Heart Disease and Its Treatment Options

Nowadays cardiac disease is considered as a hot topic of discussion among people worldwide. Read this article to know about heart ailments and various treatment options available. Heart is considered as the most important part ...

Post-Typhoons Philippines - What Could Be the Infectious Disease Aftermath?

We all saw the footage, people wading through the massive flooding and damage, people displaced from their homes. After two typhoons, over 300 people dead and hundreds of thousands of people homeless it is typical that medical and public health officials will be busy treating patients for a variety

Three Solutions To Bring Down Your Cholesterol Level

In what ways do you wish to increase your life a bit further? In what ways do you wish to live happily when you grow very old and live with a good health? Are you aware that by following little method