Medical Causes of Bladder & Urethra Pain

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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical

Tips on Choosing a Migraine Doctor

When you have a migraine, you just can't grab any doctor you can find. Know what types are best for your migraine management.

Occipital Nerve Blocks: When and What to Inject?

Occipital nerve block (ONB) is a promising treatment for headaches. But for which types of headache is it effective, and what selection criteria should be used? This review summarizes recent findings.


Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of sciatica, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Causes of Lower Back Pain - Know More

Lower back pain is a problem that afflicts at least 85% of individuals through their lifetime. By seeking to learn more about some of the factors that cause the condition, it becomes easier to learn how to address the same or find a way of keeping it at bay. Is it Different from Left Side Pain?

Using Chiropractic Treatment For Headache Relief

Headaches are such a common ailment that many Americans perceive them as normal. On any given day, millions of people in the U.S. look for ways to get headache relief. While exact causes of headaches that fall into some categories are unknown, research indicates that upper neck joints and nerves are

Understanding the Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome - Myofascial Pain Syndrome

The musculoskeletal pain syndrome is made up of individuals affected by fibromyalgia or FMS and myofascial pain syndrome or MPS. Myofascial pain syndrome is often expressed at various trigger points on the body and is usually found in very specific areas, unilaterally on the body. There is some thou

Looking For Simple Back Pain Solutions?

According to statistics, back pain ranks as the fifth reason why many people visit their doctors or physicians often. The problem is not confined to any age or sex. What are the simple solutions to this problem?

Pain - Which Medication Should You Use For Your Child When It Hurts?

A new study looks at how well the medications worked for musculoskeletal injuries to the neck, back, arms or legs in kids who came to the emergency room.The research, in the latest issue of Pediatrics, compared acetaminophen, which is what tylenol is, ibuprofen, which is what motrin is, and codeine.

How to Overcome Kidney Pain

Kidney pain is the occasion of pain that derives from the kidney. Pain affected by the kidneys is in general suffered in the flank area, which is in the back, just at the lower edge of the ribs on either side of the spine. Pain affected by the kidneys has a tendency to be sharp, ruthless and arise i

Forget The Pain - Laughter and Music

Research has shown that laughter reduces tension and stress levels. There are also healing benefits to music. A perfect addition to the search for good health.

Headache Prevention - Head Pain Associated With Colds and Flus

You all know that feeling, congestion, runny nose, headache and a general feeling of having been run over by a tractor. A headache can be a feature of a cold or flu. When we are attacked by a virus one of the main things that is happening in our bodies is a strong inflammatory response. This is why

What Causes Back Pain in Daily Living?

In daily life we perform so many repetitive movements, without knowing if we are performing them correctly. There is now so much back pain around today; it may be due to incorrect repetitive movement that we have been doing most of our life; yet the movement is now irritating our back and causing us

Hard Earned Shin Splint Treatment Advice Of A Long Time Sufferer

Most people think that shin splints are the problem, but in actual fact they are a symptom of other underlying problems that cause pain in your legs, specifically in the lower leg around the tibia (the shin bone). Now, because most people don't understand what they are, they often treat for the

Cerebrospinal Fluid

The cerebrospinal fluid is a protective nourishing fluid that circulates around the brain and spinal cord of the central nervous system. The cerebrospinal fluid is the focus of an osteopathic technique called Cranial Sacral Therapy.

6 Different Ways To Prevent Back Pain

Almost everyone experienced back pain at least once. There are a number of risk factors to watch out for. Minor preventive measures and regular exercise will also minimize the possibility of sustaining injury. Individuals should give proper emphasis to their bone and muscle strength to stay pain-fre

A New Option For Joint Pain

Currently, joint pain and the quest for relief is a growing issue that is getting more and more attention. Along with glucosamine and chondroitin, there is now another product available to help relieve joint pain. This third choice, known as cetylated fatty acids or CFAs, has been shown to work well

Getting Rid of Chronic Pain Naturally

Unfortunately there is rarely a single cure-all solution, or magic bullet to eliminate chronic pain. But by combining a number of alternative therapies, pain can often be helped and even eliminated altogether. Trying alternative therapies does not conflict with medical care, but can actually increas

Coping With Fibromyalgia

On top of managing the pain and fatigue caused by fibromyalgia, you might have to also deal with depression and the frustration of living with a widely misunderstood condition. The best way to overcome this frustration is with education.