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Healthy Living : Health & Medical

Human Touch Benefits of Massage

Massage tools are not intuitive.massage image by fderib from Fotolia.comMassage effectively treats psychological conditions like anxiety, depression, attention deficit disorder, and physically stressful trauma. Massage has physical benefits in injury prevention, recovery, and stress...

Health Issues From Mold Exposure

Mold exposure can occur by consuming moldy foods, inhaling mold spores, or through skin contact. Molds grow both outside and inside, and thrive in moist, damp, dark areas. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the most common types of molds include cladosporium,...

The Nutritional Value of Yams

What are often called "yams" in the U.S. are really orange-fleshed sweet potatoes. Light-yellow, starchy yams are available internationally and in specialized markets in the U.S. The softer, sweeter yam, alternatively called the "sweet potato," appears on holiday dinner tables smothered under stick

Pros & Cons of rBGH

About 17 percent of all cows in the U.S. are treated with recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH). The safety of this product is based on a single 90-day study on rats. Although approved and defended by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the pros and cons of rBGH remain hotly debated between l

Bee Propolis & Infections

Bees can help heal infections. Bee propolis is a substance bees collect from tree buds as they buzz along collecting pollen. This propolis contains a high level of antioxidants that encourage healing.

How Much Water Should a Child Drink a Day?

Make sure your children drink adequate amounts of water.Pouring water on a glass - isolated image by rgbspace from Fotolia.comRecommended AmountsAccording to the Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago Children, the amount of water a child needs is determined by age and gender. All...

How to Eat to Prevent Disease

Eating to prevent diseases can be complicated, since there are some many diseases caused by so many things, many of which are unrelated to diet. What you can do is eat to stay healthy, and the healthier you become, the more equipped your body becomes to fight off potential problems. While there are

Facts About Fish Oil for Children

Fish oil is a popular supplement for children, since it is an excellent source of the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. These compounds can support the overall health and development of children of all ages.

Arm Cast Tips

Wearing a cast on your arm is inconvenient. It makes writing, driving or putting your clothes on a hassle. However, you need to wear your cast so that your arm can properly heal. You can follow a few tips to make your life easier and more productive while you wear the cast.The First...

Window Covering Safety Tips

There are safety considerations that come with window coverings like shades and blinds. Agencies like the Window Covering Safety Council and the Window Coverings Association of America have devised guidelines that all consumers should follow in their homes.

Core Training Workout for Women

Strengthening the core is vital to overall body conditioning and health of women. Core workouts boost fitness levels and physical endurance. Aesthetically, core workouts help in flattening the abdominal muscles and slimming the lower back to create a feminine shape.

Organic Ways to Prevent Ticks

Not only are ticks frightening and repulsive parasites, but they also carry a variety of dangerous diseases. Whether you are trying to prevent ticks from being in your yard, on your pet or on your person, you may want to consider taking a natural and organic approach rather than dousing everyone in

Uses of Natural Gas Energy

Numerous alternative energy sources are needed to secure a clean and green environment. Using natural gas is widely practiced in every sector of the society due to its energy-efficient benefits. More importantly, natural gas paves the way for a better and cleaner air in the future. Residential, comm

Standards for Sterilizing

Sterilization is a process in which items are placed under substantial levels of heat in order to get rid of bacteria and other microorganisms which may thrive within the object. This cleansing method can be dangerous and intricate, but its effects can only be fully achieved by following a set of st

List of Bodily Chemical Reactions

A chemical reaction is the forming and breaking apart of chemical bonds that hold atoms, molecules and chains of molecules together. In organisms, such as human beings, these chemical reactions can take place inside of the body and are necessary for the organisms to live. As chemical bonds break, th

What Are the Long-Term Effects of HIV?

HIV is a virus that targets certain cells of the immune system, which causes the immune system to become increasingly weak over time. When the immune system becomes weak, illness develops as a result of infections that do not cause illness in healthy people. People with advanced HIV-disease also bec

Healthy Microwaveable Meals

Just because you are consciously trying to maintain a healthy diet does not mean you need to cook a full, elaborate spread for every meal. Sometimes you may be in a hurry, not have the ingredients you need, or just plain too tired for all that work in the kitchen. While many people who are conscious

How to Keep Away Mosquitos

Mosquitoes are one of summer's most irritating bugs. They can leave raised, itchy bites on your skin and a few mosquitoes can crash an outdoor picnic. Many people are hesitant about putting chemicals such as DEET on their skin to ward off mosquitoes and want a more natural alternative. Here are s

Smart Diets

A smart diet is a diet that's right for you. This means that it achieves your spiritual, physical and mental needs. There are many different kinds of diets, and choosing the diet that's smart for you can be difficult. Fortunately, diets can be broken them down into a few major categories. Most of us