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Antiques & Arts & Crafts : Home & Garden

How to Collect Hollywood Memorabilia

We all have our favourite film or television series that we never get tired of watching. There is something special about films made in Hollywood that fascinates and intrigues us as viewers.

History of Oriental Rugs

The greatest carpet making centers were developed in Persia and Turkey. The period from the 16th century through the first part of the 18th century were known as Persia's golden age of carpet making. The reason it was called this was because the carpet were many time woven of wool, silk, gold a

How to Easily Sew a Button

Learning to sew on a button is useful for novice sewers and non-sewers alike. Really, anyone who wears clothing should know how to sew on a button, unless you avoid clothing with buttons or can afford to replace clothing when the buttons fall off instead of just sewing them back on.

Make Your Own Candles At Home In Simple Steps

Have you ever wanted to learn how to make your own candles at home? Well if you have then you have come to the right place as this article is going to teach you how to make a candle in simple and easy to understand steps. Are you ready to make your own candles?

Great Craft Idea - How to Make a Time Out Doll

Have you ever heard off or seen a Time outdoll. These are dolls that look like real children that stand in a corner sulking hence the name "Time out doll". These dolls are very easy to make and make great gift ideas.

Radio Controlled Scale Model Aircraft

This is usually a scale model aircraft (the exceptions are reconnaissance aircraft purpose made); controlled remotely using a hand held transmitter, which in turn sends a signal to a corresponding receiver which controls the servos on the aircraft to adjust the necessary rudders and wing flaps. Radi

How to Sew a French Seam and Why to Use One

The French seam is a bulky, self-finished seam that is great for delicate fabrics that fray. It is used on garments that are washed a lot like lingerie, and blouses. You will also find French seam used on children's and babies clothing.

Handmade Craft Ideas - Creating the Extraordinary From the Ordinary

Do you have an inner voice, a gentle whisper quietly nudging you to listen? What does it say? Does it tell you to begin with the creative handmade craft ideas that you have been putting off. Or does it tell you to dream bigger or perhaps start your own creative handmade craft ideas business venture?

What is Filet Crochet?

Filet crochet is a series of crocheted mesh stitches crocheted in a certain sequence so that it forms a distinct pattern or picture. It is simple and fun to do, and can grow ultra fast and finished effects can be stunning.

Quilting Classes - Learn to Quilt

If you have never quilted before, you will benefit from taking a quilting class.There are many ways to take quilting classes, and here are some of them.

Shrunken Wool Sweaters? - Recycle them!

Are you distraught that you've shrunk your expensive wool sweater?Fear not - there's no need to get rid of it if you still love it so much.Try recycling it - yes - make it into something else.Find some great ideas for transforming your felted wool sweater.Try them - you won't be disap

How to Make Herbal Soap

Today, everything is better when it is natural and herbal. Your skin deserves natural treatment too, so trying on herbal soap should not be a bad idea. The better news is that you actually can make your very own herbal soap in the comfort of your home.

DIY: Coloring Rice Red

We're coloring rice red for a festive way to decorate for Valentine's Day! This red rice can be used and created with so many things to celebrate Valentines.

The Beauty of a Hobby in Collecting Vintage Books

People cannot resist an object that has a story to tell. Vintage books touch a nerve in us all because we know that these were passed down from generation to generation - read by people with love and tears in their eyes - laughed over, wept over and marked by people who understood what the books sai

Mickey Mantle and Willie Mays Photograph

Autographs, autographed baseballs and photographs were hot in the March 2006 online auction from R&R Enterprises. Mickey Mantle/Willie Mays Photograph

Paint a Wall Mural

Give your walls a distinctive personal look by painting a wall mural. Learn to paint a wall mural in your home. Use a projector or stencil to get the wall mural design you want