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Antiques & Arts & Crafts : Home & Garden

Stunt Kites - A Brief History

The history of stunt kites can traced back to World War II when a steerable diamond kite was used to help train antiaircraft gunners. Since then, a few people must have tinkered around with the idea right through to the 60s. However, a man named Peter Powell really caught the public's imaginati

Growing Your Bonsai Tree

Growing your own bonsai tree does not need to begin by being costly. Any plants are free when grown from seeds or cuttings and the benefits to be had in terms of appreciation of the end result, and the experience gained, is really a pleasure beyond comparison.

Printable Writing Paper

Printable writing paper is the new rave in many places and it is spreading fast. Teachers, parents and crafters alike are asking, "Why use plain white paper when you can jazz it up a bit with color and pictures?"

The Simpsons Costumes

A visitor named Lindsey submitted this picture of some Simpson character costumes she made.

Unique Dollhouse Rooms And Furniture Materials

Wire lends itself so easily to miniature design that you will notice greater detail and miniature replication.You will see this material in most interlaced dollhouse furniture designs.

Figuring Out How Much Glass to Buy For Your Stained Glass Project

You found a pattern you love, enlarged a pattern, or drew your own design and now you need to buy glass. Before you rush out to buy or order your glass, there are a few things you need to consider to calculate how much glass to purchase. Glass grain usually runs vertically from top to bottom in a sh

Stilts For Kids - Stilt Walking - Explore Your Super Human Abilities

In this era of computers, internet, video games, it's really hard to distract children from these gluey substances to the outdoors to have some fresh air and sunshine. But one thing which can drive your kid to move out of house is their desire to grow taller, bigger just like adults and their w

The Popularity of Antique Cabinets Over the Years

Ever since collectors have been hoarding pieces of value and interest, antique cabinets have been around to house and show off these precious items. However, the cabinets themselves are also treasures in their own right and over many hundreds of years have been dressed to impress to provide a taster

Create A Gratitude Scrapbook With These 3 Fun Sections

Are you thinking about creating a gratitude scrapbook?Everyday there are things to be thankful for…family, friends, a rainbow, the laughter of little children, a promotion at work…and a gratitude scrapbook is a great way to reflect on the many blessings of life.Have fun creating a grat

Harvest Blessing Snack Mix

Barbara E. shares this snack mix and the reason behind each ingredient.Includes printable bag tag!