How to Remove Burning Bushes

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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden

How to Identify Texas Lawn Weeds

If you have worked hard to have a lush lawn in Texas, the last thing you want to see growing in it are weeds. Invasive weeds can rob cultivated turf of nutrients and water, and can even overwhelm it; even worse are the noxious weeds, which have been designated by authorities as injurious to humans o

What Is the Meaning of the Heather Flower?

The hardy, pretty plant known as heather is perhaps best known for covering the moors of Scotland with its beautiful purple blooms. However, the heather plant is more than just an attractive ground cover. It has played an important role in history and beyond that, it has a deeper symbolic meaning fo

Types and Effects of Pollutants

Pollutants are chemicals or materials that pollute the air, the water or the soil in some form and are caused by human activities. Pollutants are the cause of many different kinds of crises that harm humans as well as wildlife and the environment. The three main types of pollution are the most conve

Common Yarrow Flower

The common yarrow plant is known throughout the medicinal herb world. It has been used in the past for everything from relieving pain to stopping nosebleeds. It's also edible, with some people adding the leaves to salads. Dried yarrow is also used in potpourri and decorating. In some states, yarrow

How to Grow a Cypress Hedge

Cypress is an evergreen that many people plant to serve as living fence or hedge. There are different varieties of cypress, and they grow in almost any type of soil. Depending on the variety chosen, the cypress can grow to heights of 40 to 100 feet. Planting a cypress hedge not only provides privacy

How Long Does it Take Blueberry Plants to Produce?

Blueberries are popular throughout the United States for their taste as well as for their growing reputation as part of a healthy diet. They are high in fiber and may prevent cancer and urinary tract infections, according to the Ohio State University Extension website.

How to Start a Citrus Tree From Seed

Lemons, limes and oranges are frequently used to start citrus trees from seed due to their relative ease of germination. According to Pam Elam, Farm Adviser of the University of California Cooperative Extension, trees grown from seeds may never produce edible fruit. Although homegrown citrus trees m

Growing Environment for Orchids

Orchids are a diverse family of plants with more than 20,000 members. These plants will grow in a variety of environmental conditions, some with more specific requirements than others. Smart selection and planning is key to growing a healthy orchid. Keeping the correct balance of temperature, humidi

Red Autumn Flowers

Just because summer ends, that does not mean your landscape has to do without red flowers. Sufficient options exist in the landscaping plant world to provide you with a species that generates red flowers into autumn. Choose perennials or deciduous shrubs that produce a red autumn flower every year,

When to Plant Jasmine

Beautiful, blooming jasmine plants add a splash of color and a sweet fragrance to any landscape. Planting time exerts a big influence on jasmine, as it affects the blooming characteristics of the plant's signature flowers. There are more than 200 types of jasmine, so ideal planting times and general

How to Take Care of Hens and Chicks Plants in the Winter

Hens and Chicks, known botanically as Sempervivum tectorum and also commonly as "Houseleeks" are evergreen herbaceous plants that have a resemblance to succulents but actually belong to the Stonecrop family of plants. Hens and Chicks flower and propagate themselves vegetatively and form dense coloni

The Stages of Growth in Morel Mushrooms

Like a disappearing act in a magic show, morel mushrooms seem to emerge from the ground overnight and disappear just as quickly. However, from spores, morel mushrooms pass through five or more stages before becoming the fruiting bodies morel hunters harvest and consume.

Ideal Plants for Summer in Zone 4

The USDA hardiness zones, established by the United States National Arboretum, are determined by the average annual minimum temperature that can be expected in that region. USDA hardiness zone 4, which includes cities such as Burlington, Vermont and Minneapolis, Minnesota, has average annual minimum

How to Care for Staked Tomato Plants

A well cared for tomato plant promises to provide a bounty of fresh, tasty and healthy fruit throughout the growing season. If you've staked your tomato stalk, then you're already on your way to a better tomato harvest. However, simply staking the plant is not enough. In order to ensure that you get

How to Kill Weeds in Brick Driveways

In simple terms, weeds are plants that grow where you don't want them to grow. They're also hardy and show up in adverse environments, establishing roots without problems. That includes the spaces among the bricks in your driveway. Weeds even break through the grout. Controlling weeds in those tight

Ideas for Avocados

Avocados are sometimes known as "alligator pears," due to their shape, texture and skin coloration. With approximately 43 percent of U.S. households purchasing avocados, the fruit has become a popular food choice. Avocados are sodium and cholesterol free and contain only 5 g of fat, most of which is

The Best Azalea Shrubs

Azaleas are related to rhododendrons, mountain laurels and blueberries and have similar growing requirements. More than 100 varieties are available, and the plants all differ in size, leaf growth and cold hardiness. All of them have extravagant blooms. Consider the growing conditions in your yard, a

How to Pollinate Oriental Lilies

Oriental or Asian lilies are beautiful plants that grow from bulbs and require only minimal care. When they bloom, their star-shaped petals display many colors, and they can add striking beauty to any garden. The bulbs, if cared for properly, can grow large clusters of stems, which will sprout many

What Rot Are Bananas Known to Get?

Keeping bananas from rotting can be difficult as there are several causes for rot beginning in the fruit. The individual bunches, as well as the entire comb of bunches, can become infected with mold or damaged by poor handling easily. The kinds of rot that bananas are prone to get can be avoided wit

Plum Tree Species

Plum species fall into two major categories, European and Japanese types. Horticulturalists have bred dozens of varieties of plums of both types with specific traits for different purposes. Plums are stone fruits, each with a single large seed, or stone.