How to Remove Burning Bushes

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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden

How to Control Weeds Around Iris Flower Beds

Weeds in an iris bed can present problems, because the longer the weeds are left to grow, the more they will multiply, until your irises are choked out. Irises grow from rhizomes, and weeds have to be carefully pulled so the rhizomes aren't damaged. It is important to control the weeds in the iris

My Cherry Laurel Has Yellow Leaves

A member of the rose family, cherry laurel (Prunus caroliniana) is a tree or shrub commonly cultivated for its glossy, evergreen leaves. The plant may suffer from chlorosis, a condition which causes yellow leaves.

How to Build a Teak Planter Box

Wooden planters make the perfect containers for indoor and outdoor gardening. Their natural appearance blends with the background easily and enhances the appeal of a particular spot. Teak planters are very popular among gardeners, and with reason- they are durable, low maintenance and naturally weat

How to Dig Up Comfrey Roots

Compact and hardy, both the leaves and the roots of comfrey, an easy-to-grow plant, have long been used in a wide variety of herbal remedies. As the main ingredient in ointments, tonics and teas, comfrey root has traditionally been used to treat everything from diarrhea to psoriasis. The roots are a

How to Care for a Bonsai Ginger Plant

The art of bonsai involves growing full-size plants in smaller-than-usual areas so that your favorite herb, flower or tree can decorate your home or office. Bonsai ginger plants allow growers to produce the spicy herb in their personal gardens for use in teas, baking and other applications. You can

The Best Time to Use Weed Killer

Knowing the life cycle of the weeds you are trying to kill helps you to determine the best time to use weed killers and the type of weed killer to use. Your local Cooperative Extension Service may help you identify the weeds in your lawn.

How to Pick Delicata Squash

Delicata features an attractive rind and flavorful, sweet flesh that make it a prized addition on the dinner table. A type of winter squash, the plants grow throughout summer and produce a mature crop in late summer and early fall. Delicata has a creamy white rind that develops vertical stripes as t

Two Vegetables That Don't Need Replanting

In warmer climates south of U.S. Department of Agriculture growing zones 5 and 6, many vegetables can be grown year-round, while most are grown in northern regions as annuals. Exceptions to that rule include some leafy greens and onions, which, as biennials, return a second year to complete their gr

DIY Flower Pot Benches

Placing pots of flowers around a patio, terrace or deck adds interest by creating spots of color. Flowerpots also attract visitors such as butterflies, bees and hummingbirds. These creatures can provide hours of entertainment as you while away the afternoon on a sunny summer day. However placing sma

How Long for Tomatoes to Grow True Leaves?

Store-bought tomatoes can't compare with the flavor of homegrown vine-ripened fruits. Starting tomato seedlings to get a jump on the harvest gives you a high return for a little effort.

Growing Azara Microphylla

Azara microphylla, commonly called box leaf azara, is a large shrub native to South America. The shrub grows best in full sun as well as partly shaded locations, where it develops attractive foliage and inflorescence that enhances the appearance of home landscapes. Growing azara microphylla is a sim

How to Feed Bamboo Plants

Bamboo has more than 2,000 species and is a symbol of longevity, wisdom and strength. It can thrive either outdoors or indoors, if fed properly. Some species of bamboo can reach an indoor height of 20 feet; some small varieties have an indoor height of 2 feet or less. Although the very popular "luck

When Do Avocado Trees Bear Fruit?

The avocado is also referred to as the Alligator Pear, avocado pear, Palta and Aguacate. This southern Mexican native thrives in warm, sunny climates such as southern California, Hawaii, Florida, Brazil, Spain and Chile. They are also grown in the Dominican Republic, Australia, Israel, Indonesia,

Why Is My Cantaloupe Plant Wilting?

At the peak of the growing season, cantaloupe plants may begin to turn yellow and wilt. Wilting can be a sign of a fungal infection. The fungus can be brought in on the seeds or seedlings. It may have even been present in the soil. Fungal infections can also be introduced by nematodes. Nematodes a

How to Loosen Compacted Soil

Compacted soil is pressed together to form a solid mass with little air space between the particles. Plants often have a hard time growing in compacted soil because there is little water and oxygen available, and it is difficult for the roots to press their way though the soil. Compacted soil often

How to Care for Blue Yucca

Blue yucca, or Yucca rigida, is a yucca plant with other common names such as Mexican blue yucca and silver leaf yucca. It is native to the Chihuahuas desert in Mexico and is a common landscaping plant for desert settings. The blue yucca can grow to 15 feet in height and has blue-gray spiny leaves.

How to Plant a Hibiscus Tree in Michigan

Hibiscus trees produce colorful, tropical-looking blooms that add visual appeal to any landscape. These trees come in two types, tropical and hardy. Tropical hibiscus trees are not tolerant of the cold and will need to be brought indoors during the Michigan winter. Hardy hibiscus trees, however, are

How to Cut Dead Roses From a Rose Bush

Cutting dead or spent blooms from a rose bush, or deadheading, is done to improve the appearance and shape of an existing rose bush and increase the number of future blooms. Also, removing old rose blooms prevents destructive insects from invading the dead plant material and spreading into a healthy