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Hypertension : Health & Medical

Causes of a High-Voltage Reading on a 24-Volt Transformer

A transformer is an electrical device that transforms an AC voltage level in one circuit into a different AC voltage level in another circuit. This allows a secondary circuit that needs a low voltage level to be safely hooked up to power supplies, which often need to use high voltage. If you have a

What Are Implications of High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is called the "silent killer" because it can go undetected for years. The implication of having high blood pressure is very serious because it damages important organs of your body before the condition manifests any symptoms.

Reducing High Blood Pressure When Saddled With a Faulty Human Character

There are no unknown secret methods when it comes to reducing high blood pressure. Even people who do not suffer from the condition have heard most of the details about salt free diets, weight loss, etc...But knowledge does us no good at all if it is not followed up with a determined and disciplined

Correctable Causes of Hypertension

High blood pressure, also referred to as hypertension, is typically caused by correctable issues such as poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, certain medications, smoking, excessive caffeine and drug abuse. High blood pressure can cause serious complications such as heart attack and stroke, so it is impo

Adolescent Portal Hypertension Ascites Complications

Ascites is often a complication of portal hypertension, and portal hypertension is commonly a complication of underlying end-stage liver disease. For the adolescent, especially, the debilitating effects of complications from chronic liver disease can be devastating. However, physicians and researche

Achieving Healthy Cholesterol Levels Through Flax Seed

In the last few years, cholesterol managed to acquire a disconfirming reputation in relation to health care.It seems that its repeated association with cardiovascular conditions and disease has impaired the supposed medicinal benefits of this lipid to tissue components and systems of the human body.

Eating Your Way to Reduce Hypertension

High blood pressure has no symptoms, but it can lead to the leading killers in this country, such as heart attack or stroke, aneurysms, and kidney failure.The good news is you can make healthy lifestyle changes that will help control it and keep you off medications which we all know have side effect