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Hypertension : Health & Medical

Why High Blood Pressure?

When confronted with illness or being told that you have something wrong with your health, your first response is generally "why me"? Lifestyles may be the reason that high blood pressure has become one of the most common complaints world wide. To find out more read on...

How Coffee Affects Your High Blood Pressure

There are millions of people each day that drink coffee. Some drink it as if it was water and drink several cups of coffee each day. The key ingredient in coffee is caffeine. Since caffeine is a stimulant, it does raise your blood pressure, but is it a factor that contributes to the development of h

High Blood Pressure Treatment - Drugs to Treat High Blood Pressure

The general measures for a patient of hypertension are: relief from emotional stress;Lifestyle modifications, including dietary management and regular exercise. The relief from emotional stress and environmental changes help in controlling the blood pressure to some extent, although, keeping the pat

Reasons for a Premature Delivery

Babies are considered full-term at 37 weeks.pregnant woman image by Frenk_Danielle Kaufmann from Fotolia.comA premature delivery can cause adverse health effects to both mother and child. Pregnant women can undertake a number of steps to ensure their babies are delivered on time and in...

Remove Hypertension Problems With Fish Oil

To remove hypertension problems with fish oil holds great promise.Let's examine closely what fish oil has done and some other suggestions that will help remove hypertension problems.

Remedy for High Blood Pressure - Use This Magic Elixir

Simple, all-natural remedies for many conditions and diseases can be found at a fraction of the cost of the so-called wonder drugs. And current research bears out the fact that many remedies from folklore avoid the many dangers of prescription drugs.

Spice Up Your Hypertension Diet

A blood-pressure-lowering diet does not have to be tasteless and bland. First, there are salt substitutes that, once you get used to them, are a viable alternative to salt.

Understanding the Risk of Hypertension

Hypertension or High blood pressure is a "soundless killer" since it does not present any symptoms at the initial stage, thereby leaving you defenseless. Let us widen up our knowledge about this condition. The blood pressure pumping to the arteries are elevated with this medical state. The

Defining Your Blood Pressure Stats

If you are concerned about your blood pressure, you can start monitoring it at home. Of course, you should keep up regular appointments with your doctor but monitoring at home can provide a heads-up if your pressure becomes elevated. Before you start this home monitoring, you do need to understand w

Diets and Foods to Control High Blood Pressure

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can lead to a number of undesirable consequences such as heart failure, heart attack or stroke. While your doctor might have put you on medication to deal with your high blood pressure, understand that medicating the problem is not the only solution. You can p