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Hypertension : Health & Medical
High Blood Pressure and the Drug Problem
We are constantly being told of how we live affects our bodies. "You are what you eat," "The mind-body connection," "Exercise vs sedentary lifestyle," etc. And then there is high blood pressure and the drug problem...
List of Herbs For High Blood Pressure
Many people would like to know what they can do to lower their blood pressure naturally without drugs. There are natural herbs that can be used effectively to lower blood pressure, which gives you the option to lower your pressure without the nasty side effects of drugs.
Control Your Blood Pressure Naturally
You've heard that you can control your blood pressure by eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, lean meat in moderation, and getting some exercise every day. But you might be wondering if there are any foods or supplements that can give you faster results.
Use This Extract to Help Lower Blood Pressure
A discussion on the benefits of olive leaf extract in fighting high blood pressure. Research have shown that this extract can have a significant impact on blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body. It is highly recommended as a supplement or as a staple diet ingredient.
Hypertensive Heart Disease
In addition to the increased risk of atherosclerosis lasting high blood pressure causes damage to the heart. The muscle becomes thicker and stiffer, so that the heart cannot relax during diastole so easily and suck blood, diastolic compliance failure. This leads to a poorer filling of the heart and
What Are The Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure - How Does High Blood Pressure Make You Feel?
One of the toughest things about heart health is that there aren't often symptoms for high blood pressure. Because of that high blood pressure is often called "the silent killer". But there are some symptoms you might notice if you do have this problem.
Reducing High Blood Pressure in 3 Easy Steps
Do not be afraid of high blood pressure. You can control it with these simple steps and live a normal life.
High Blood Pressure Symptoms - Catch it Early
Whether it's genetic or weight related, be wary of it. High blood pressure symptoms are no laughing matter.
How To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally - Natural Remedies Available
How to lower blood pressure naturally is simpler than you think. All it requires is self-discipline and a few lifestyle changes. One out of three adults in the US has high blood pressure. Pressure tends to rise with age, and to make matters worse, medications can carry a number of undesirable side e
Blood Pressure Numbers: When to Get Help-Topic Overview
If you check your blood pressure, you may wonder when an abnormal reading means you should call your doctor. This information can help you understand what your blood pressure numbers mean and when you need to call for help.What do blood pressure numbers mean?Your blood pressure consists of two ...
Tips to Lower Down High Blood Pressure and Take Back Your Life
Our increase in activities and decrease in available time is assisting in more people being diagnosed with high blood pressure. There are a few tips to lower down high blood pressure that you might want to take advantage of.
HDL and LDL Cholesterol - The Lowdown on How Each Affects Us
People with high blood pressure and afflictions caused by it think of cholesterol as a four-letter word, because any mention of hypertension immediately blames cholesterol. It's true, it can build up in the bloodstream and lead to heart disease and stroke, two of the major reasons of fatality i
High Blood Pressure Remedies
High blood pressure can be extremely detrimental to the overall health of an individual. This is a relatively common condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Based on recent studies, it has been found that at least one adult in every three experience this condition in the United Sta
Blood Pressure - Symptoms, Causes, Associated Health Problems
Your blood pressure is an important gauge of your overall health. Your blood pressure can be too low, called hypotension, or too high, called hypertension. Either condition can dangerous, but hypotension is rare except as a symptom of another health problem.
Why High Blood Pressure Is a Health Concern
There is more than one condition labeled as a "silent killer," but none affects more people than high blood pressure (hypertension). Although the exact causes of most cases of primary hypertension are unknown, there are mitigating factors (arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis) that all human bodies
Lower Cholesterol and Your Time
There is no shortage of articles on exercising and foods that lower cholesterol. There is no shortage of weight loss and fitness programs. There is no shortage of people who are not happy with their current health and condition. In spite of the fact that we have so many options and advice, the unhea
Hypertension - Can Kill
High blood pressure (Hypertension) is the elevation of systolic and /or diastolic blood pressure. Systolic pressure is the heart pumping blood and diastolic pressure is the heart at rest. When the blood vessels resist the normal flow of blood there will be the need for the heart to pump more blood.
10 Effective Herbal Remedies to Reduce Hypertension Naturally
When the blood pressure rises beyond 140/90 then it is considered as hypertension or high blood pressure. Know the effective and safe herbal remedies for hypertension.
Exactly What Is High Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure affects both the old and young alike but what exactly is it and how do you avoid it? This article gets right to it, wasting no time at all.
Medication For High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is something that you are going to seriously want to pay attention to. It is the leading cause of many heart problems and heart diseases that commonly happen to people in today's society. It's even worse if your family has a history of having high blood pressure.